OOC-xD that would count as god-modding-Please try to not do that again ^^ Kayoko laughed hysterically,Despite the knife pinned to his throat "HA! You kill me now and your boyfriend....or fiancée will ravage everybody here at the sight of my blood,or certainly go mad trying to resist it!" Ryokus voice was shaky,He whispered "Mitera,He's right...."-He cringed at the thought of the two possible situations....
Yup-Hurry I g2g
Oh Luke,You know me long enough to know that nothing can embarrass me! xD
*Innocent as hell* Now how am I gonna reply to THAT?
Gasp-I owe you a line? Oh my gosh!
lol How the fucck am I suppost to reply to that?
sorry man xD
Well either that or kill it....Sorry-I'm rather evil *Dark laugh*
Whatcha mean??
xD If you had a ginger baby,Would you dye its hair?
Oh my gosh-One of my friends got their hair dyed as a baby because she was ginger!...(In fairness I would have done the same) lol
Okay,I would tell you that he is scum but this is different-He actually told you about it as opposed to getting with both of you-At least he told you-But otherwise,Forget about him....
Oh..0_o Oh gosh.....Sounds terrible! Physiologically,Nobody should have to part from their hair,Especially if they like it....
Once made me change my mood but is unaware that I only changed it to 'Sad' because it was he only option that wasn't a lie-And believes I need a scene of humour *Inhales* lol
I have never actually dyed my hair-Its kinda different when your pretty sure your hair is bronze until its thinned,cut and short-Now that would...
Kwl-When? o.O
(Oh my gosh-You go offline as soon as I go online!!!) lol
Grrrr...I got my hair thinned and it turns out im blonde....I feel like my IQ is somehow lessoning by the second (No offence to blonde people)
Nothing much-Just wallowing in the fact that im actually Blonde-You?
Ryoku bit his bottom lip,Holding his keybalde up,Defending himself "I thought you were on my side...essentially..." he commented casually,He stepped back slightly-Giving himself more room and unfortunately,more room for Rhyme to attack...