lol, me too. but if you could date any character, who would it be?
Well, karin i don't have a problem with she is just werid. but sasuke? HE NEEDS TO DIE!!! Do you have Final Fantasy III ds? or Pokemon ds games? i...
I don't know where the KakashiXTsunade came from. is there any proof on youtube? (of episodes with insidents (sp?) i mean) tsunade did have a...
Sasuke is such a jerk. *_*
lol, it's not personal and it is different for everyone. it just depends on how your parents want to teach you. i wake up whenever i want, eat...
oww... well, sorry.... i homeschool so i wouldn't know..
KakaTsun? Well, i never heard of that one..
I know that any of you who play final Fantasy III Ds know that to get onion knight or the ultima weapon or any other side quests that you need to exchange letters with people so please help me by exchanging friend codes and letters!! FC: 4898 8124 1574
I love hinata!! But i love tsunade more.
How so? If u don't mind me asking. *politeness rubs off on me*
Well, i don't know who chara is of FB but thanks! lol, i have that pic u are using for an avatar lol. if you like Riku, u should read my FanFic....
It's cool, life always get in the way of everything. *makes sour face*
I don't mind, you are so polite. ^_^ WELL, it could be going better but it's not the worst day of my life or anything. How bout you?
well, at least we are here...
It's so dead in here...
Hi! it's so dead in here...
Hi! *waves*
i figured you had u could. Your 18 right?
well, i am not that big a fan, i am just friends with alot of the people on the site. My brother is a major pokemon fan. i am actually about your...
either one. i was gonna recomend u go to because there are tons of people on there and i am friends with alot of them. I am Sarcastic...