now you were waiting for me wern't you? I activate imperial order
Yes my Jar Robber
It was a joke jeez
Umm...let me try Dum dum give me Mirage of nightmare activated during standby phase giving him 4 cards 0_0 Well Zane sincei know your gonna make me since you probably have unity in your and zane since you probably have unity sure so we each have 6500 LP
I'm not hotlinking 0_o Their from the yugioh wikia, the website where everyone gets there images pretty much. anywho i use magic jammer discarding blue eyes white dragon
Alright Zane lets do this!!!! MY MOVE! -Draw phase- 6 cards in hand -standby phase- -main phase 1- I summon kaiser sea horse! now i set 3 cards facedown and end my turn -end phase- Bring it on Zane!
Bring it Zane! I'm dying for a rematch! And i want to try out my new deck oh and jaden so you don't call me on it, this is a dragon/destiny hero deck so it will include BLACK ROSE DRAGON, m'Kay?
I'm homeschooled, i get high and watch the little time4learning people talk about the pagoriontherom and i just think "Dude...your heads a rectangle!"
I'm not mad, I'm just a little sore. And I'm not asking you to.
$143.65 . .
Whatever, thanks Jaden
Alright Cubia, you've left me no choice! -main phase 2- I TUNE MY TRAP EATER AND BLADE MASTER TO SYNCHRO SUMMON!!!! BLACK ROSE DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I ACTIVATE HER ABILITY! ALLOWING ME TO DESTROY ALL CARDS ON THE FIELD! GO!!! And now i end my turn -endphase-
Joke hahaha, still not much he can do.
Alright i beat him AGAIN am i the champion again?
alright dimension fusion was activated2 diamond dues 2 blade masters I summon plasma by tributing one of my blademasters and the daimond dudes 2 cards left i take your archfiend giving him 1500 extra ATK so hes 3400 I activate the equip spell united we stand giving him 800 atk for each monster i control so he gets an extra 2400 then i activate rush recless so he has 6500 -battle phase- attack red eyes you lose 4100 i win...again
Duh! One moment while i head slap myself -POW!- Alright so do i just redo my turn from the mainphase?
Don't count me out yet Jay, i still got a trick or two under my sleeve
No dude your hand 6 Giant Trunade 5 Mystical Space Typhoon 4 Red eyes Wyvern 3 Trap eater 2 Solem Judgment 1 Imperial order you don't have any cards
But Imperial activated before i discarded, meaning the spell cards were disabled. And mirages effect cancelled. In a video game it would show mirage, show Imperial go "CHAIN!!!!" AND MIRAGE GO "ZAPPP" so yeah i studied too. and no you didn't have 1 card you activated trunade 5 cards in hand activated MST 4 cards summoned trap eater summoned red eyes wyvern synchro summon archfiend and set 2 facedowns 0 cards in hand so who do you summon?
Thats great haha!