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  1. Princess_of_hearts
    Yuzuha came back into the dining room with her plate made although she knew she would barely touch it. Disccusing anyting with the twins destroyed her appitite. She stood behind the boys for a moment, slightly annoyed that Kaoru was messing around with her sketches. He was good with sketches but she didn't like any body touching her work. tightening her jaw, she sat down at the head of the table. "Kaoru, do not order people about in that manner again, it's rude." she said, response to his outburst in the kitchen. Silently she was trying to figure out how to discuss this with the boys without causing a scene. She hated arguments, but voices always raised a few dBs when a family talk went on. "come on, get a plate and sit down. I'm sure we all have have quite alot to say."
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess_of_hearts
    Yuzuha was sitting at the table by now, apprently sketching out a new design. After erasing some minut mistake, she turned around and stood up. "Welcome home." she stated, an uncharacteristicly neutral expression on her face. "Dinner is in the kitchen, I'm sorry I've been working out here so I did not have the maids set up dinner. Your father is working a little late tonight, so he'll be back later tonight." she explained, again rather neutrally while walking towards the expansive kitchen to make her own plate. on the way she hasitly put her papers into a pile instead of leaving them to cover the dining room table.

    Haruhi watched the twin's car drive off from her window and, after removing her shoes, walked into the living\dining room of her apartment. "Dad?" she called out, poking her head into all the rooms. reaching the kitchen she discovered a note explaining that he had gotten a late shift that night and would see her tomorrow. Haruhi frowned at the note, more in worry than annoyance. He was taking more and more shifts lately only to come home and pass out on the couch from exaustion. "At least over the vacation I can maybe get a job." she spoke to herself, forgetting the twin's idea with the worry of her father's health and bills on her mind. And, of course, she wasn't aware that it was against the rules of Ouran for students to hold jobs.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi tapped her bottom lip thoughtfully with her finger, deciding how to speak, before answering Kaoru. "Sometimes you say things you don't mean to your family, that's okay. But..." she shrugged one shoulder, unsure about giving her two-cents about their family affairs. "but, get her flowers on the way home." she ended instead of any kind of real advise. Admittedly, she knew almost nothing about the twins, and less about their mother. So she patted both their knees reassuringly and hoped out of the car, making a mental note to remind the twins to call their mother if it got too late another time.

    Yuzuha's phone buzzed on top of her sketches. She pressed the 'veiw' button and was met with a texted apology from Kaoru. Shaking her head, she selected ignore, knowing they would be home soon enough.

    Hunny giggled in delight at the tickle fight and effectivly blocked about half of the attacks. As the car drove up and pointed to it, being out of breath, and soon landed on the ground, grinning at Mori, "I'm glad, vacations are more fun with adventures."
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess_of_hearts
    Slightly grinned as well and waved David and Rebecca to follow them as they all followed Nibs outside.

    Rebecca laughed and shrugged to David. She didn't mean to start a game but it looked fun! So she ran out after Slightly, waving breifly to Tink and Peter.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess_of_hearts
    Yuzuha this time truely was stunned, or more accuratly: hurt. It was true she was hoping for a girl when she was pregnant but maybe she didn't spend enough time around the boys when they were children to instill how happy she was with their own personalities and persons. Her fingers pressed against the phone to keep her shaky breath from getting through and showing her hurt. When she was sure her voice would not crack or sound angry she uncovered the phone. "It is kind of you two to give your friend a ride home. Next time please call first though." she said in a flat tone. "And Kaoru, I think we need to talk when you two get home." she pressed the hang up button and set the phone down on top of a new jacket design sketch. Crossing her arms, she stared at the pages on the table with a slight frown.

    Haruhi's expression stayed mostly neutral while Kaoru spoke but after his rant her eyes widened slightly. I shouldn't have been here for that. she stated silently, feeling like she was in the middle of a family argument.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi raised an eyebrow at Hikaru's explaination. By his words she assumed he and Kaoru were in trouble and she had to admit it was a good attempt at getting out of it. Watching each twin's expression she waited to see how this would turn out.

    Yuzuha caught the guilt trip and, unlike the charm which didn't often affect her, it made her wince. Work often kept her away from her boys as they grew up and she was afraid they closed themselves off from the world because of this. She always tried being home... but trying isn't the same as being there. Even now that the twins had friends at their club, it hurt her to be reminded of their lost 'family time'. She waited for her slightly younger boy to add his part, because they always spoke in duo.

    Hunny held his bunny to his chest while they walked. "Takashi, do you think we'll have an adventure over the summer?" he asked, seeming to calm down a little; still, his smile was as bright as the could be.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess_of_hearts
    Yuzuha tapped her fingers more impatiently as the phone rang once, twice, three times, four times, five times. Finally, just as she was about to hang up, Hikaru's nervous voice spoke into her ear. She could tell from his tone that he knew she wasn't happy already. "Hello dear. If I'm not interupting anything important, would you mind informing my why you and your brother are out so late and I don't know where you are? I let you two have quite a bit of freedom and all I ask is that you call once in a while to let me know where you are. And it is a school night, for heaven's sake. You should be home doing your school work. Life isn't a joy ride you know, you two need to keep up on your studies; use that intellegence you've been given for something productive." After that rant, she breathed heavily and her tone softened. "Now where are you two? I miss my boys." Although Hikaru couldn't see it, her expression was now similar to the twin's own pout.

    Haruhi gave the driver directions to her house, quietly, while Hikaru spoke, or rather listened to his mother. She found it rather cute how both the boy's seemed nervous all of a sudden. Apperently there was one person, at least, in their lives who had some control over them. While the twins stayed quiet for their mother's lecture, she had a moment to think over the summer break idea. It would be nice but she had been thinking of finding a job...
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess_of_hearts
    haha that's what you two get for letting the non-author in this group write the ending. silly girls
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess_of_hearts
    Suddenly someone pressed the red button that says "DO NOT PRESS" and Transalvania exploded in a huge BOOM of silver, fire, and other things that kill humans and vampires and lycans and werewolves and kitens. Somewhere out in space, Obiwan kanobie felt a disturbance in the force. Little did he know it was not just Alderan who exploded, but Transalvania. AWWWWWW

    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebbeca giggled at David's nervous excitemnt and gave Nibs a little bow. "Lead the way good sir." she said in her best adult voice. This failed alittle because she couldn't stop smiling.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess_of_hearts
  12. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi looked down the street. She wasn't far from home now and the darkening sky didn't worry her because she assumed her street was safe with all the families living around. Then again, she didn't want to offend the twins and they were being very kind to offer her a ride. So she turned her gaze back to them with a smile. "Thank you, that sounds nice." she agreed, opening the car door and climbing in next to her classmates. Mentally crossing her fingers, she hoped her neighbors wouldn't make a fuss over the nice car stopping in their neighborhood.

    Hunny beamed at Tamaki and grabbed Mori's arm to lead their way to their car. "Okay, bye bye tama-chan!" he waved good bye, already planning sparring practice with Mori back at his house and thinking of the treats he could cook up afterwards. While they walked down the hall way, he chattered to his best friend and cousin about these ideas as well as plans for the approching break.

    Yuzuha checked her watch impatiently. She understood her sons stayed afterschool with their friends in that Host Club but it was getting dark and they needeed to be home. Shaking her head and leaning on the dinning room table, with all her sketchs and papers to be reveiwed for work spread across to top of, she dialed their number. "Pick up boys..." she ordered the ringing phone, drumming her fingers on the chair next to her.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess_of_hearts
  14. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi jumped, startled by Kaoru's voice. "Hm?" she turned to the shining car following her along the side walk and stopped walking. Inside she saw the twins conversing over a magazine or book or something. They seemed intent and Kaoru seemed nervous. While they talked she approched their window and tapped on the door. "Did I forget something at school?" she asked, assuming that was the reason they had followed her.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Apr 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess_of_hearts
  16. Princess_of_hearts
    Profile Post

    love you too ^^

    love you too ^^
    Profile Post by Princess_of_hearts for Cloud of darkness, Apr 2, 2010
  17. Princess_of_hearts
  18. Princess_of_hearts
    Despite her tendicy to think like a boy, Rebecca had enough girlish nature in her to see what Fawn was up to. And she thought it was perfectly sweet of Fawn. A impish smile lit her face as Fawn greeted her, this would be fun; the fairly seemed very much like herself. "I promise we are. Well David is anyways." she teased David with a wink. "i am a total klutz." of course this wasn't really true at all, but she liked messing with David and he was sure to protest.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi listened to them finish each other's thoughts with interest. This method of speaking and proof of their connection was still new for her. "Thank you for the advice." she replied neutrally, not entirly sure that they were giving her advise they themselves followed. Then again, as they said, don't judge people before you know them, she mused, and she certianly didn't know the two very well yet. "Also for helping me with Tamaki, he's very agressive." she laughed lightly, thinking of how from the beginning Tamaki showed his special brand of over reacting. "You know..." she began slowly, going back to the twin's advice, "I'd like to get to know you two better. We are in class together after all. Maybe some time we can do homework together or something after the host club." As she spoke she kept eye contact with each twin, as she liked to do while talking. "I need to get home and make dinner. See you two tomorrow." with that she stood up, smiled, and waved a good bye before walking down the street towards her apartment.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi joined her two classmates and sat down on her heals to be eye level with them. "Hiromi?" she repeated, surprised the twins even remembered her name. "She's very nice and seems curious. But she's private. Why exactly?" she asked, perplexed by their interest. Haruhi's gaze traveled from one twin to the other before glancing behind them to Hiromi's retreating back.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home