You got my house, thanks :'D
Ilu no homo Aaaaaaaaand I see we have another MTH fan on the forum. 8D
I have no problem looking over chat logs, but whatever floats your boat man.
Do you? Do you bite your thumb at me?
That's what you think.
Do you have me blocked from MSN? Because MSN would make this a lot easier xD
Knowledge begets imagination. If you do not know of something you cannot imagine things concerning it. Therefore, he who knows nothing can imagine nothing. /kh pun
Concerning the khv rpg Not big enough to put in the thread, but I also noticed that you had Cherry put in the pub but didn't say that she was...
...ffffuuuu I'm sorry man I had a bunch of stuff I needed to take care of and I got distracted .-.
I do I'll be just sitting there staring at a wall in the middle of the night contemplating different things and I'll suddenly feel like gravity is giving me the finger
Sweet Be my bleached hair buddy? Spoiler
Just FYI Get in here, guys.