wow-thats not weird xD
Dont-If you do I will cut your balls off!
what is it?
He bit his lip yet again-Knowing he should give it up-"Well...Okay...." he was slightly unsure but he smiled...."Well if you weren't id totally be cool with that..." he chuckled.
Is Somewhere between happy and total ****ing wreck.
Ryoku watched Rhyme fade-Unsurprised as he was he couldn't help but wonder....Are you sure your human?...He teased with humour.
Has a name that rips off Dumbledore xD
Ryoku blinked twice-and kept his eyes closed for the third time-He swallowed...Ryoku was infuriated-"Yes..." he whispered harshly-He ran to the inner shore leaving Miteta behind-He glared at a smiling Kayoku-Ryoku hissed-Has fangs enlarged and dripped with vamperic venom...Ryoku was breathing harshly-These memory's where new to him-He gripped the arm rests on his wheelchair-His head moved back and his physique puffed forward-He was almost in physical pain...DONT YOU DARE HURT MITETA!....he murmured the last word weakly...
That was random xD
Probably would be killed for a Klondike Bar. lol
Knows where LilBueno lives.
He sat in his seat-Perplexed and thought Oh but you are...He didnt look at Rhyme but into space.
Has the post after mine lol
He turned back and thought Don't...Im not anything special he lied and again he bit his bottom lip while he turned back around and found his seat.
Is my mum.
Hi!!! I introduced you to khv and you forgot to thank me!!!
Likes Scrooge mcDuck xD
Ryoku smiled-He was really relived that she couldn't care enough to wonder- Well-Cool...I do make a good human...he teased. He chuckled and walked to his seat-He looked at Komi and smiled Dont worry-Its not all bad...
And?? Sup anyway *****?
Nah not really-All nIm im doing anyway is talking to a complete twaty **** face sittin beside me xD You should meet him-Im sure youd get along...