Honestly, I would like to see him play Light. He just looks the part, YOU CANNOT DENY THAT. And it would be nice to see him play a role other than happy-go-lucky high school singer... Also... " In 2009, Efron was revealed to be connected to the live action rendition of the Japanese anime Full Metal Panic, simply entitled "Panic". He is also starring in the title role of the live-action adaptation of the Jonny Quest cartoons.".....what? from Wiki
.....Hayley was still not noticed. Also, I kinda lol'd that Robin Williams made a nod at NGE by buying a model kit in one of his movies.
She cosplayed from that anime also, I think... She cosplayed someone, went to a con, nobody noticed it was "THE haley from paramore." I thought that was false, I like the name Zelda.
he hosted a tournement in NYC
Rayku had stood there with his new pokedex in hand, looking it over a few times. It was brandnew for this region, at least, that's what Professor Oak had said. His Totodile was trailing him while he walked to his group of trainers "Hey there, my name is Rayku..." he smiled to both the girl and boy.
So...for him watching Death Note, he earns brownie points? Hehe, check these people, and guess which one COSPLAYED Spoiler
Towards Ricky Martin?
That's funny because he came out the closet
.... what is that sound ;=; tell Kay's team to investagate it
Yeah, but it would've been perfect if they filled the plotholes and then did this. Plus, Naruto is dragging on for me, I just can't watch it anymore.
I lol'd at this hard... And I like Naruto, but this is funny. I honestly think that Naruto went down the drain after the whole "Pain" saga...it could of ended PERFECTLY from there, but he continued the series.
;D I remember this show so well.
No, because that hasn't released yet.
plus, it's just something they wanted to do before anyways... /b/ is only part that is shock jock material anyway.
...... I said old, and I mean 90's old >_>
Well, the ships windows caved in and flooded the ship before it exploded, so the mask could of gotten out that way. I think she's going to be dead until next season, when suddenly she comes back. Also, I have seen every movie but 5...>_>
I think he almost did...but he didn't die Children will now know death of their beloved villians/hero's at least.
oh...>_> Well, it only appered in Japan so far, and they show far worst deaths in other anime geared towards children. ;U knowing America, they'll say "she just went for a swim, kiddies"
Awww, i'm sorry please feel better with my gift of candy?