woooooooooooooooooooooooooow. thats a long time. how have you been?
I normally dont come on really at all anymore except to respond to messages, I havent posted in a while... life gets in the way (: but yeah i just come on when ever i catch a spare second which isnt very often lol. <3
COUCHHHHHHH!!! hai der. do you remember me D:
cuttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeee. my hair is bright blond lol
oh hey wolfie. wuzzup
Its okay. Colorado has the shortest school years but Im in the IB program so i have a pretty awesome education. yeah im pretty good at it :c its...
Yeah we've been through a lot of stuff that you know what, we deserve this. We. Deserve. This. :) we had a snow day yesterday. and it was so much...
Yearbook forensics girl scouts DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA LLAMA. .... yeah. *falls asleep*
Ive been okay. its been a crazy past few months. Crazy **** ._. you?
<3 We really do. We have been though a lot of stuff together. the world better watch it. Cause we are in business.
We might be coming out to california this summer too lol. I miss it. I really hope we do :c DRIVING WOOHOO! I do have my permit. its quite exciting
just got home from school, yearbook sucks my time away like none other. i feell like we havent talked in foreverrrrrrrr.
what up betch.
hai guzie <3 I missed you two <3 lol i told him because i knew he would appreciate it. the guy i was sitting next to though gave me the strangest look though like wtf. but then he got over it.
Hes a pretty amazing kid. Probably going to go to Harvard or something. Hes kind of exceptionally brilliant. <3 I really hope it is because you...
yeah. its pretty funny. hes like KATIE ARE YOU WITH A BOY and then like shoves himself in between me and the guy im talking too. Hes sooo funny....
i no rite. guzie, im so popularz cuz of dis site. rnt i kewl.
Yes RvR. Just like that. No he totally did like start flailing his arms though. It was effing hilarious xD
This site has actually earned me respect with someone : D so in my spanish class there is this kid who occasionally wears a KH shirt and im like YEAH and high five him. And hes good friends with some of my good friends so I know him but we arent good friends. Last night were were all watching LOTRs together (yessssssss!) and i was just like "Were you aware I was a super moderator on a KH forum?" "....what?" "Yeah, I was a moderator on like the second biggest KH forum for a while." "No. way." "For sure. You heard of kh-vids before?" "HOLY **** *starts flailing arms*" And now I have his respect. The end.
:) Haha im doing a lot of things. Im going to yearbook camp, running a girl scout camp, hanging with friends, lots of volunteer work, probably...