Let It Die - Foo Fighters
Hide - Red
Gai ka, chinmoku ga nemuru - Dir en grey
Inconvenient Ideal - Dir en grey Lol this song deserves an emmy or something.
Vinushka - Dir en grey
Pretender - Foo Fighters
Sad Tango - Bi Rain
Ordinary Moment (Main Mix) - Filo & Peri Feat. Fisher
Corrupted (Original Mix) - Signalrunners
Unreal To Me (Corderoy & Bury Mix) - Fkn
In & Out of Love (The Blizard Mix) - Armin Van Buuren feat Sharon Den Adel
:/ I know who you must be... ... John Galt. ;B
True. I'm sure KH-v's worlds are gonna be majorly different. :/ Ehh... I guess it depends on the story, doesn't it.
*w* I think it'll be awesome. Imagine a more final fantasy KH?! *drools*
>:D I know right?! He's my best friend. <3 xD And yeah I has ringlets. :/ maybe later when I shower and my hair dries I'll take a pic and show you guys. :/ It's pretty crazy curly.
:3 Aw hay ty. <3
xD thank you. Here's another. :/ And yes, I have to explain it: - No, I'm not naked - Yes, my dress was a tube-y dress. - Yes, the picture is blurry because it was the first pic I took with my *w* awesome new phoooonne - And no, :/ I cannot smile. I was never born... ;_;... with the ability... </3 - :I Mkay seriously though, I dislike my smiling pictures 'cause I look high... ALL THE TIME in them. :3 Spoiler
<3 ;D Kay Spoiler ^ :D I has glasses. Spoiler ^ >3> A few days ago. My friend straightened my hair n like n r-tard I took a pic xD But! My shirt has a wee robo dude n he says heavy metal! \m/ Spoiler ^ This is my n my charizard. Aren't we badass? Spoiler ^ N Here's me a long long time ago but ;D You can see how curly my hair really is. ._. N that's it. :D Kay tnx bai. *scours folders for maybe yet another picture*
:D Guys wanna see pics of Hache Bee?!?!
Yeah a thread just like this has already been posted actually. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=98342