lol yeah...the only other thiong Ican think of doesnt invol e sora but in KHCOM micky managed to project an image of himself (and later on his full physical being) from the realm of darkness to CO with they keyblade so Ibeleive Mickeys got it down, whereas with Sora it only really happens when Sora needs it to due to lack of knowledge on how to use the keyblade
Actually my earliest memory is the playground...I'd sit on the fakey wooden buildings and just watch everyone go by
Okay I don't wanna sound like an idiot but...Doesn't Sora use his keyblade to get back to the gummi ship in kh2 when the beam of light hits...and how he ended up in the realm of darkness as riku gives him the photo and the icecream...So isn't it just that sora HAS the ability he's just not sure how to use it?
May I use one?
That was just amazing...the bears face is priceless
tommy was very moved by this and gus doid something stupid THAT POEM WAS AWESOME I especially like the last verse it's just really griping and're a great poet...You should write more :)
Some memories are powerfull enough...A friend of mine has an extremely disturbing memory...when she was 3 she was repeatedly raped
mainly just smashing the keyblade around with mixture offorms and magic...for example while fighting sephiroth I found it effective the hit him when he wasnt attacking and using reflega when he attacked
knowing all of us are here they would be silly to try such a gosh I cant wait at all D: just make it come out now!
so you didn't lkike tem,...WHY did you go their concert?
Well, it must be a good reason. Don't let other's judge you for who you are.[/QUOTE] Well unless I know the homosexual then I dislike them...My reason...Well try never being gay in your life and losing your virginity at the age of 7 to a guy unwillingly
And if I had a reason for disliking gays?
Well I'm into pretty much everything il;l hate the odd song but you know how that is bout you?
to be honest the song "teenagers" by my chemical romance sums up the people who attend the high schools round here...most of them...and well...the buildings...since the schools are so low on money opnly the newer buildings look any good the rest are quiote literally falling apart
38426 pokemon wondering why teenagers are throwing balls at them
This being the case - no your not weird...death growling definitely wouldnt be a factor millions of people worship death growlers for their music XDD (Thanks rissy made the avvy, shes really good at it)
And you tell us with an hour and a half left of today? anyway thanks ^^
number one enemy - daisy dares you
Reality (n) - Something that exists outside of the internet, professionals question it's existence though the statement "I went outside once, the graphics sucked" does seem to show reality may indeed exist
38419 teenagers scaring the sh!t out of my chemical romance