XDD I went into a fit of giggles when I heard it!!! It was strange up rather funny lol
Hi XDD I couldn't help but notice "What do you call 10000 burning Twilight books?"-My answer is simply "*Inhales dramaticly-but just simply says*...
Dunno-Ill ask him when he comes back from the Cake Store with his pet Ladder.
Yes but that's only because the Pink-Tailed Monkey from Space told me to keep the conversation going XDD
Ireland U?
Sorry? XD dont apologise-everyone's different!! Oh really! My summer Vacation Doesn't start till weeks!! Damn Hemisphere differences X.x
Yup-Its just who You are-I was gonna ask you about it but you said that you are in fact evil so I just left it XDD
OMG! Mandys Missing from the Internet!!!! Noooooooooooooo *Cries*
So How was Paddy's Day???
Oh-but I know-I was secretly thinking how evil you are but then you admitted you ARE evil so I just acted as if it never crossed my mind XDD
Quite-Im gonna have to go-Se ya!!!
Yup -_- Oh-I always thought St.Patrick's day was pretty huge in America but Apparently not XD
Smith was shot dead by 26-County troops as he tried to escape from Portlaoise Prison on St Patrick's Day 1975.-_- And I thought America went as...
Uh-Huh-I almost cried at the Mormorial even though I didnt know the guy X.X Hm...Where exactly Are you???
Oh that sucks! X( Well I Went on a march with an Irish political Party called Sinn Fein and we had a mormoral for this guy called Tom Smith
Oh well now you are XDD So did you go to any parades on Paddy's day?
XDD Yeah but im actually IRISH so I dont need to show any green-its in my oh so Celtic blood! XD
Quote: Originally Posted by MandyXRiku4ever Yaoi should burn in hell. XDD Im not Homosexual but what is your bases on thinking that?? lol
Rayku-Yes Ive heard and read about Hannah Bond-who was only 13 at the time-it was trgic and a perfect example of how the media turns everyone against bands that seem odd-Ive seen one or two pictures of Hannah-she seems "Chavy" based on her poses and such-so why didnt the media blame Chav music groups?? Snow Villiers-Exactly-Nicely Said! Everybody-I would like to tell everyone before the topic becomes Really one sided that Marilyn Manson had a huge effect on me as a person-I actually one tried to kill myself while listening to his cover of Tainted Love I've found this topic to be one sided in KHV-but unlike the Media-it has strong reason behind the opinion.