...D8 I know, right? 426
What Makes A Man? - City and Colour
-Pokes a dog- *Evil laugh!* >8D 424
Don't Speak - No Doubt
*pokes *you** lmfao. No, actually, I remembered that it was sometime in April and you said the date :B 422.
Probably. xD
I think I'll be shocked if it goes on TV. They'll end up cutting loads out though.
*Pokes... glass* Isn't it April 20th? /totallynotastalkerlolwut 420 ::L:
The Saltwater Room - Owl City.
*Pokes KH* 4 and 16. :B Edit: Oh, yeh, 418.
When I see their name, I think of Casper. xD Flowers We Are - Yiruma.
xD *pokes lampshade* 416. Two of my favourite numbers<3
Same. Until the "Prison for Bitches" or whatever appeared. That's so Gaga.
O: LE GASP. *pokes interwebz* 414 : D
Alice - Avril Lavigne <3
The video is.. strange to say the least o_o
*Pokes elbow* 4112..
Here's To Entropy - Closure In Moscow
*pokes arm* 410~! Wewt.
It's hard to believe she's only 16 ._. Into the Ocean - Blue October