sure do. I'm the Yugi Motou of the arena. I'm one of the renegade duelists. I'm a former member of the super elite duelist gaming league
Well I can make you a deck. I've got a dark deck and a light deck that are made already
HAI, are you a to be duelist of the arena?
OOC: Would you like help from Repliku and Xerinas? Repliku summons heartless and Xerinas has a backup sword called the atlamillia sword. So you're at Castle Oblivion?
A replica of the Jaden vs. Yugi/Yami Yugi duel. We use only the cards from the episode. How about it?
Yes, then he would lose all respect. I have an idea for 4th of July. Would you like to hear it?
you went against your deck theme. My second deck amkes more sense than this. I used DARK and LIGHT and you're using a Crow deck with a Stardust Dragon. Deadheart wins
You have to see it at Xak's point of view. You know how he thinks I'm Scarlett, right? Imagine what he would say. He would be like "Jaden, I...
it was used in the synchro summon anyway Would you like to restart the duel?
well they're all in attack mode I guess
remember that part?
read the link I gave
ok, well have a good day
Repliku stepped out of Data Roxas' room and stepped into Xion's. OOC: she's going to have one too BIC: Repliku mumbled "another one of me. Shouldn't be too hard" He summoned 10 novashadows and sent them after Data Xion. The data Xion took them down without much work. Data Xion switched into her first form and went into aerial/speed mode and attacked Repliku. Repliku took out his second heart unlocker and said "this will be harder than I thought" 10 minutes later Data Xion switched to her second form. Acrobatic form. Repliku summoned Ansem Seeker of Darkness and strangled her then he stabbed her. Data Xion switched to her 3rd form. Assault mode. Data Xion attacked the ASOD but it's guardian blocked the attack. Repliku used dark helm and knocked her on the head rendering the Data Xion unconscious temporarily. Repliku stabbed her yet again. Data Xion switched to her final form and destroyed the ASOD copy. Repliku looked at what happened and said "dang, I'm going to need some help" Xerinas stepped and said "you rang?" Repliku replied "thank you Xerinas" Xerinas raised excalibur, jumped and cut Data Xion's swords in half making them disappear. Xerinas put her hand on Repliku's heart unlocker and they shot a beam of darkness straight through Data Xion thus killing it
pretty much MAIN PHASE 2 I switch my monsters to defense mode END PHASE
I continued it as I said
e-hero neos = light attribute e- hero necroshade = dark attribute = Twilight theme so it's legal
Alright now i remove from play e-hero necroshade to special summon elemental hero neos I offer red eyes b. dragon to special summon Red Eyes Darkness Dragon and I summon Chaos-End Master to the field and I play double summon now I summon Kuriboh in attack mode and now I synchro summon Chaos Goddess using Lord. of D., Kuriboh and Chaos End Master BATTLE PHASE I attack Dark Blade with Blue Eyes White Dragon dealing 100 life point damage. Now I attack you directly bringing yout o zero I forgot to add the custom necroshade pic, sorry
How are you doing Matt?
yeah and my counter discarded most of my hand. depth discards 1, magic jammer discards 1, heralds discard 2 equaling 2 cards in my hand