D: Oh my, Ill talk to you Demi! I just made a new account 2 weeks ago xD We shall chat!
Sorry it took me so long to reply Dx Im doing well ^^, hows school?
It is, Jamal is sosoohoho cute! O.o What do you mean Sora's story?
Oprah is narrating the new chapter of Planet Earth .___. Im bumed.
Thats tragic. What did you do o___o?
*Random question* Whats the best tea you've ever drank...?
Oh I know c: How have you been?
Have you seen it before? Ehh...I can see, I have the one on Nintendo and I havent even beat it yet xD
Umm, lovely slippers, some cash ;D, Slumdog Millionaire, and other nicnaks xD OOooh, how is it? I havent even bought it yet >.<
Umm good, happy with what I got c: What about you?
WHat is going on O______o Is Cloud trying to rape you or something? xD
Ohh I see :c I was thinking of taking art, actually, Im making myself take art when I can have 2 electives..Is it fun?
What do you mean?
I havent heard from you for awhile >:3 *HUG* Yeah me too -_____________-. I keep finished sketches but then get to dissapointed with them before I finish the lineart...
Ohhh myyy guud. That so pretty 8D I love the colors, it looks so intricate<333 I might just have to fav it c:
D: I just noticed your avatar.....LOOOVVVEEE Professor Lupin c: And Tonks of course<3 Silly slimy Cloud. c:
Yeah me too ._______. Plus Ill have track so I really wont be on for awhile o______o That kinda sucks...Does snow get in your room?
Same with me, I was going to quit but then one day I was bored XD Oooh that sounds pleasant o___O
Ooooh do tell, do tell c:
D: OMG *Glomp* When was the last time I talked tooo yoouuu?? O_______o You impress me Rosey, you really do.