XDD omg that's so adorable. <3 c: ty <3
XD sorry What. I'll let everyone know next time I disappear forever. :P
XD Please don't be so depressing! D; @DP: D: omg seriously? *leaves*
omigawd ikr, idk wat 2 du, i need an adult haalllppp !
Life's waiting to begin~ >:3 hay kh-v.
:3 Hai.
I know, right.
.-. X3 omg ty. <333 :3 So are you. D: I dunno about my major yet.:huh: BUT! There are these workshops here that talk to you about helping you...
Agree agree. Althought I dunno If that's possible. And although I'm not active, I've used them in the past before and I think they'd be very helpful. ._. tybai
Linkin Park. MMO's. Dancing around in my house blasting music. Cutting people off after they cut me off. Wendys chilli. A bag of pizza rolls. Telling my bro to gtfo for enigmatic reasons. (don't worry, he's mean) c: I think that's it.
D: My mouth is ******ed.
Dude my whole family is Puertorican and I can't even roll my r's. Ridiculous.
*breaks down the door* Kablam.
c: love?? v.v *reps* lkajsdfkl You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Royale again. D8
;3 And you don't have one. ;V ): Jk, ilu bb <3.
^^ You remind me of terrorists which reminds me to Cin. C:
:3 For the awesome sig. <333
You mean 'no', right? :/ Hm. You could. In that case, do so.
Ok, solution. 1. Bring your DS. 2. Agree with the majority. It should be a breeze.