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  1. kaseykockroach
    My eyes were sending desperate pain signals to my brain, asking to develop a mouth so they could throw up a.s.a.p.
    She's bad AND drawn that way.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jan 18, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kaseykockroach
    By definition, an atheist refuses to believe in deities of any kind, going with his life forward, not paying tributes nor having religious beliefs at all. In contrast, AmericanSephiroth confessed he worships "a satan of sorts", therefore it's impossible for him to be declared an atheist, since he has decided to hold Satan in a high regard. Being an agnostic myself, I tell you; Im NO Satan follower.
    In contrast, Atheistic Satanists[2] consider themselves atheists and regard Satan as merely symbolic of certain human traits. This categorization of Satanism (which could be categorized in other ways, for example "Traditional" versus "Modern"), is not necessarily adopted by Satanists themselves, who usually would not specify which type of Satanism they adhere to. THIS IS FROM WIKIPEDIA. Of course, Wiki is not always to be trusted, so the hell with it, I suppose.
    Some crossdressers have gay preferences, but that doesn't mean every homosexual is a crossdresser. Same here.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 18, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  3. kaseykockroach
    Unfortunately, I HAVE read this thread already. I'm somewhat shocked that so many people here lack glasses. I know every message board of any caliber is made up of idiots, but this is just apalling.
    Though, I apologize for my brief display of fellow ignorance. It's eight pages, you think I'd bring myself to read each one? ;)
    But, come now...Think about you're saying, guys. ATHEISTS AND SATANISTS ARE THE EXACT SAME THING, EXCEPT ONE DOES MAGIC.
    I'm going to repeat.
    ...I'm convinced this is a big joke, that none of you are actually this insane in the membrane, and soon the hidden camera shall be revealed. To quote from a anonymous chum, "That's akin to saying "Persons who chose not to wear sweaters on Winter support the flu".
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 18, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  4. kaseykockroach
    And the fact that Satanists believe Satan exists.
    ATHEISTS don't. Why is that so complicated, fellers? They believe in no gods, Satanists believe in a devil or whatever. And even if I'm wrong about that, SATANISTS AND ATHEISTS ARE THE EXACT SAME THING!
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 18, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  5. kaseykockroach
    I've been here a VERY long time, so it's not exactly a small feat when I say that is one of the stupidest, most idiotic things I have ever read on this forum. Congrats.
    Atheists don't believe in devils either. Read a book or somethin'.
    Unless I'm in Candid Camera: KHV edition again.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  6. kaseykockroach
    I AM ED! *WHAM!*
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jan 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kaseykockroach

    I wuz bored
    Forgive me, I had nothing else to do Friday.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jan 10, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kaseykockroach
    I have no idea why anyone hasn't used 2:25-2:34 in any Youtube poop yet.
    God, I love those European T&J's...SO FANTASTICALLY BAD!
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jan 10, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kaseykockroach
    By the end of the series, it will be revealed that nothing is everything and everything is nothing.
    Then the world explodes.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kaseykockroach
    The same guy who thought Atlantica in KH2 was a good idea.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kaseykockroach
    Ditto. I've grown out of video games, really. Sold all of them except for the R&C games and Paper Mario:TYD.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kaseykockroach
    I can't hold it in much longer...
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jan 8, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kaseykockroach
    Other than that, 10/10.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 4, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. kaseykockroach
    .....Say what?
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jan 4, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. kaseykockroach
  16. kaseykockroach
    Nope. I don't. I DO know, however that cake tastes good.
    Why are cartoons the greatest thing the human species has spawned?
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 4, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. kaseykockroach
    Because the Nazi sheep slaughtered all of the non-taxpayers.
    Why am I so sexy?
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 4, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. kaseykockroach
    You know what? I'm sick and tired of religion. Period. I don't care what you want to worship, keep it to yourself. I'm sick of people killing each other because of different opinions as to whether or not an invisible man in the sky exists, or a horned demon exists underground, or whatever the hell you guys read. I'm sick of all the fighting that goes on in real life and in internet forums. If it weren't for people killing each other over gods, many of the worst things ever to happen to humanity could've been prevented, and gay marriage wouldn't be a "threat". I'm sick of the majority of the threads in this blasted section being about stinkin' religion, whether it be debates between Atheists and religious folks, or stuff of this caliber. You know what? being an Agnostic surrounded (and raised) by Catholics isn't so fun either, but you don't see ME complaining about it, starting threads as I swim in a pit of self-pity. And on the other hand, I don't go insulting people based on what I think that particular religion or does, just because my mommy raised me telling me it's okay. Who cares what Satanists do, can't we all just frieking get along? Why is that so difficult? Are we all really that pathetic? Is being a devil worshipper or whatever you guys call it that big of a deal? Can't we just make our own individual choices?
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 4, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  19. kaseykockroach
    GET RATCHET & CLANK! Take it from me, they're the only games I still play anymore.
    Post by: kaseykockroach, Jan 3, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. kaseykockroach