Search Results

  1. Princess Luna
    First impression?

    Impression now?

    You loves me yus?

    Have fun~
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 3, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Princess Luna
  3. Princess Luna
    Well, well, well...I know he's been waiting for a LONG time for this moment. And he's got it by a landslide! Though he may not know it yet, but he's been my bitch slave uhh...servant since he was born! Hell YES Forsaken gets all the attention for this week! He's under MY command to answer every question in a sexy way so let's get it started, and don't let a moment go by! Like, totally violate him with the question! NOOOOWWW!!!

    Go! Go!! Go!!! Go!!!! Go!!!!!

    Rules, Rules, Rules~

    1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest.

    5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the member under the spotlight is 20. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you're seen askin' too many questions you may be excluded from the followin' weeks vote.

    Have funz toots~
    Thread by: Princess Luna, Jan 3, 2010, 169 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Princess Luna
    ROFL. Respect! xP

    Special A
    I was bored...but it was funny. Period. lol
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 3, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. Princess Luna
    I'm sure you know what I'm eating...
    and I bet you know the brand of those chips too. :3

    <3 you.

    It's not soup NOR cereal. :lolface:
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 3, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Princess Luna
    The Vampire Lestat...for the 8945742th time. Good book. :33

    Clockwork Orange... O.o just read's JUST....yeah, just read it!
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  7. Princess Luna up!
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  8. Princess Luna
    Princess Tutu
    Ballet or no was a VERY good anime. It was hilarious, sad, sweet and just plain amazing.
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Princess Luna
    WOW! Congrats, first of all, for the internship! That is very exciting! Walt Disney World...lucky guy. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you have a great time there. Keep us updated whenever you can, or you can always text me.

    I really do hope that everything works out for you. So till then, you've my most genuine regards. I'll be waiting for the next updates of Spam Wars. Good luck, my friend. See you soon.

    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: Departure Hall
  10. Princess Luna
    1. Getting a REAL job
    2. Saving up for a Yaris
    3. Stop buying things, especially from Victoria's Secret
    4. Study HARDER for my classes
    5. Be a little less squishy
    6. Be less bitchy and stop yelling at people
    7. Keep track of what I need to do [ie, QT here]
    8. Buy a mustache
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Princess Luna
    Tomorrow. =]
    Starts every Sunday. lol
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Princess Luna
    Daaaaaaang...Forsaken's got this one in the bag. o:
    Post by: Princess Luna, Jan 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Princess Luna
  14. Princess Luna
  15. Princess Luna
  16. Princess Luna
  17. Princess Luna
  18. Princess Luna
  19. Princess Luna
  20. Princess Luna
    hahahahahahaha!!!! Hello. You guys know what to do. =]
    Thread by: Princess Luna, Dec 31, 2009, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone