well there are alot of arms mod for characters and every characters have different arms so i think it would be alot of work to find those things anyway tell me whose arm do you need and replaced by whom and ill post it here yeah sure im bored anyway
no you don't have to use anything else and strange it works perfectly for me.............
in process........
hey no prob anytime ^^ and also thanks :)
well the answer to your first Q is in this thread i posted it a few pages back use the search command for the code as for the second on itll be DMA and would have to be re hacked to make it work so yeah
O.O that code should work perfectly hmm i think i know what seems to be the problem let me check into it......... EDIT: i checked the same code it works perfectly........
yeah sure ill see what i can do
^^" still doesnt ring a bell sorry..... :(
^^" well since i don't remember him i cant tell you how to beat him check gamefaqs they have walk through
sigh use this 21CB9754 00303031 21CB9758 00000000
hmm strange...........
hmm dont remember send me a pic of it
hmm inferno engine ^^"
the reason the game freezes is cause Sora holds one keyblade and Valor holds two so try giving Sora valors moveset that will make the MAIN SORA (0054) become valor with normal clothes
oh hmm.........
no prob anytime
yup its easy actually ^^ or do one ting give Donalds model and mset Vexens digits and thats it then probably it wont freeze but try doing it both ways
well yup that we have and also the tricky part is well it just depends on the character XD lol well those days are gone XD well to tell you the truth even i kinda miss those days when i wasn't crazy about codes and waited for the coders to make new codes XD
well every boss is playable as far as i know
well you can do two things one try replacing his status with another Boss or two replace his line below his status to another boss like those guys did with Terra that made it so that Terra doesnt dos his Cannon attack so yeah