Ok let me think... Maybe it's something to open up Birth by Sleep, it's hard to tell since the end was pretty much the end.
Roxas ruined my first hour of Kingdom Hearts 2. But, since I have the feeling that Vexen will rape me in a corner, I vote him to get it off my mind.
you were supposed to ask a question^
somebody ate my pie. does the tooth fairy exist?
how's it been while i was gone
It's unreadable!!!
umm, what happened with your name
Is this you, supersora
ok........... i was never in new hamphire
My laptop was broken.
Sephy. That 'I did it!' feeling you get right after you beat him is awesome.
I'm back! Good to see you again.
Umm, I knew that!
I'ts been here since the middle of summer.
Curse you and your abilty to manipulate words!!!
Yep! Thanks.
But chocolate cake beats everything!
HOLD ON! This thread still exists?!
OK 1st- As blacknumbers said, the blue outline is way too heavy. 2nd- I pretty much liked this one. 3rd- The whole background is dark.