I remember you. :v You used to be in that Pokemon Rp I was in, I think. Welcome back~
You always talk to Janime. xD
Oh hey. ........
Gah, I should be back to post in the Sanctuary now. x.x *goes off to post*
How immature. Tsk tsk...
I guess I'm only here for friends.
Nothing really. :/ Haven't been on much myself.
I....I dunno how to reply to that.
Oh I was very disappointed, but I still laughed. I mean, wtf? I thought the mother Natsuru's kid was a girl, not a boy.
Dx Yes. I freakin lol'd.
What's poppin it now? And happy b-day, you old man. :lolface:
You....you suck. D;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindflex This?
Uh... Yeah. That would be pretty awesome.
It was a rumor I heard. xD Cranberry juice?
lol thats an awsome rhyme.
^This. Because I kept messing up on that part, it took me about eleven times until I beat Demyx.
What did you get for Christmas?
Ohai. ...............