Sorry about that, have a lot to recap on since getting back. xD; It's okay about the duel, I understand. But. . . . You've got to get your...
Ugh. This month doesn't seem to like me all that much. Hey guys. Just got my internet hooked back up, little IRL trouble. Anyway, anyone up for a duel?
Well that was anticlimactic. And sorry to hear about your internet.
-Still waiting for the heads up to continue his turn.-
Rather simple really. It just mods the objects + Donald and Goofy to be Tifa, Leon, Cloud, Hostile Program, and Dark Thorn. The role mods make Leon, Cloud, and Tifa partners, and make the Hostile Program and Dark Thorn regular enemies so they can be killed without finishers. Think of it like a very sucky version of a boss vs boss battle. But with teams. And, did you test it? I think it might be too much AI and cause a crash. And it's okay about the replacement slot. 'Least I know how to properly do it now. xD;
Simply an Ultima weapon mod, good sir. The reason it appeared when you went into drive is likely because you had the weapon set to that form.
No Problem. I need someone to test this Custom Match to make sure if the AI will freeze it or not. 11CFA3FC 00000819 - Riku Code (So you won't get hit, and can watch (optional) 01CD9FD7 0000005F 21CD9FD8 45444953 21CD9FDC 00524143 00340A84 0000008A 20340CE4 00020100 11CFA3FE 000004B8 - Donald Slot 11CFA400 00000162 - Goofy Slot 11C841AC 000008F9 - Herk Object Mod 11C84480 000008F8 - Meg Object Mod 11C84034 000008FA - Phil Object Mod 01CBDFAC 00000004 - Role Mod 01CC90AC 00000004 - Role Mod 01CDEFAC 00000009 - Role Mod 01CDEF4C 00000009 - Role Mod 01CDF00C 00000009 - RoleMod (Optional Difficulty) 20340E8C 99999999 - Impossible Mode. Use these in Olympus Coliseum, where you fight Hydra. after beating the world twice. I know those 16 codes seem like a lot, but it'd be really appreciated if someone could test this. And possibly amusing.
My guess is no.
Move out of Japan.
One of the only ways I see this thread winning is by gathering followers, devising specifically planned timing, keeping track on the times each individual staff member is on, and flooding the thread all at once with number posts when they least expect it. And even that seems to have a less than 70% chance of working. . . . Okay then, let's do this sh*t. And that .
Impossible to win thread is impossible. . . . To win.
With tact. People get rep usually for being unique, funny, and fair individuals. If people like your posts, they'll likely rep you.
Lucky b*stard. ._. I don't get out until the end of next week. D:
I heard that someone made a code once where you can get his HP down to zero, but that it would freeze right after. Though I'm not sure of the truth of it.
You need Moar Rep.
Discard Treeborn Frog To activate Magic Jammer. I now await the heads up to continue my turn.
FFFFFFFFF- I was going to make that. ._.
Heh, I got to hand it to you, I had to think on this one. But now it's time to try a series of tides I've been dying to unleash! Here I go! Draw! -Draw phase. Draws one card.- -Standby Phase.- -Main Phase One.- First, I set one card in my magic/trap card zones! Next, I play Graceful Charity! Thus I discard Deepsea Macrotrema, And Gogiga Gagagigo. Now then. First, I play the field spell card, A Legendary Ocean! Next, I use Aqua Spirit's effect to send Macrotrema out of play in order to special summon her! Time for you to witness the sea's power. I sacrifice my Aqua Spirit to bring forth, LEVIA DRAGON, DAEDALUS!!! Can you guess where this is going? Now, Daedalus! Show Resin what it means to go against the ocean's wrath! Clear the field! -Activates effect- And if all went as planned, all the cards on the field should be destroyed except for Daedalus. I patiently await for your possible counter before continuing. B-but. . . . What about our duel? We never got to settle the score. Ah well. It won't be the same without your elemental heroes here, Jaden.
Could you check Resin's post? I don't think he has enough cards in his hand to play two facedown magic/trap cards. Set one facedown monster....
Seven. I dunno. Squirrels?