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  1. kairiheartprincess
  2. kairiheartprincess
    -you put your hair in a ponytail and try to cut it off with a kitchen knife like Princess Garnet did (ive considered it...)

    -you giggle whenever anyone says anything remotely related to anything Final Fantasy -giggles-
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  3. kairiheartprincess
    The Essential Handbook of Victorian Etiquette by Professor Thomas E. Hill

    If any of you have heard of the The Great Charles ****ens Christmas Faire in San Francisco, thats why I'm reading this X3 so I can be in character for the whole thing.

    If anyone ever wants to go to something like this and be in character, I reccomend this!!!
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  4. kairiheartprincess
    I can completely see your perspective, she is a weak character, I'm not denying that, I think they need to flush out her personality.

    (By the way- thanks for being intelligent and not just screaming KAIRI SUCKS at me)
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. kairiheartprincess
    Yeah, she's a character with a lot of potential that just needs some screen time boosting!!
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. kairiheartprincess


    We had snow 2 days ago in multiple places and WE'RE IN FRIKIN CALIFORNIA
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kairiheartprincess
    As described X3

    and for mine...uh...the person above me DOES exist.
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 9, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kairiheartprincess
  9. kairiheartprincess
    No longer applies
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 8, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  10. kairiheartprincess
    FFX. And then X-2. ^^ fell in love i did.
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 8, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  11. kairiheartprincess
    -when you cosplay as yuna and go outside at sunset trying to send the dead (totally guilty)

    -when you go around doing the prayer sign from FFX at your church and get in trouble for it (guilty as charged)
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 8, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  12. kairiheartprincess
    Female: Yuna/Lenne/Garnet:Dagger

    Auron: hands down because he is AWESOME

    I've always loved Yuna from the beginning and Lenne is just so beautiful..and Garnet well, she's always been a bit infactuated with her X3
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 8, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  13. kairiheartprincess
    Absolutely. I mean, I certainly hope that she will have some more fight in her (hopefully Nomura can take some hints from Dead Fantasy...? lol)
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. kairiheartprincess
    A great number of people have a lot of reasons for why Kairi is not an adequate character, or why Namine/ Olette are stronger characters than she is.

    I am not explicitly going out and saying "KAIRI IS AWESOME AND STOP HATING ON HER!!!"

    I am here to ask why you all have your intelligent reasons for liking or disliking Kairi. It's nice to see all the sides, don't you agree?
    My personal reason for liking Kairi as a character is this:
    Although Kairi is the classic "damsel in distress" she doesnt express a WANT to be this way. She may not have a flushed out character, and she may not be able to kick a**, but she isnt USELESS as often described. Kairi has expressed a desire to help Sora in any way she can (i.e.- when she tells Sora in KH that she wants to help him save Riku, in KH2 when she obtains her keyblade and attempts to fight [as in she is actually TRYING]). Honestly, yes she does get kidnapped (or almost) 3 times. However, the first time was not entirely her fault, seeing as she was fading away with the island and the rest of the time was immobile. The second time she refuses Axel's offer to see Sora. The third time (which many of you have said "ALL SHE DOES IS STAND THERE AND LET HERSELF GET TAKEN BY AXEL!") however, Axel is visibly taller and stronger than she is, able to take her easily though she visibly does struggle. Kairi may be a damsel in distress, but that doesnt mean she has no drive. She could be one of those damsels in distress who merely sits there thinking "Oh when will someone come rescue me??". She constantly resists and quite visibly wants the ability to do something for herself, even if she's not quite strong enough to do so.

    Please give me your opinions on this subject, I like to see all sides.
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 7, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. kairiheartprincess
    I wrote this a while ago, I really sort of like it...even though I'm a SoKai fan, I hope you guys enjoy it :)



    A name of all names for her.

    The one who found her had named her Namine.

    Surely he knew who her somebody was.

    He had named her Namine, a word meaning wave.

    “For the waves of your memories,†he had said.

    In that one moment, for one moment she had felt beautiful. Possibly cared about.

    He then chuckled, “or lack-there-of.â€

    That was the first day she cried.

    For a nobody to cry or feel sorrow is impossible.

    And somehow she had it in her to do so.

    Silver drops of fire dripped down her chilled face, and then she knew what she was.

    “You can’t cry,†she had been told by him many times after. “Nobodies can’t cry.â€

    “But-†she would say before a stinging slap would flame across her pale white cheek.

    “Nobodies can’t cry.â€

    Nearly every day she cried. It hadn’t been long since her birth. Already she had to do as he said.

    Every day, her sorrow just grew and grew.

    She wanted to know who her somebody was.

    She wanted to know why she could cry.

    But most of all, she wanted to be a somebody.


    He had named her, he was her master now.

    Through her sorrow and pain she found a passion.


    She had scoured the rooms of Castle Oblivion for a sketchbook and a pencil, but had no luck.

    “The poor thing wants to draw,†Marluxia would say.

    She could only nod her head sadly.


    A figure of two faces.

    He was nice enough to give her a sketchbook and crayons.

    “Use these,†he said, throwing them in her direction.

    She caught the crayons, but the sketchbook slid toward her.

    “Hello,†she whispered. A friend.

    A sketchbook to Namine was much better than any human friend.

    It loved her, and she loved it back. That little sketchbook was her life.

    She took such good care of it.

    She never let it get dirty, never let it get torn.

    When Sora came to Castle Oblivion, she felt like her heart would burst.

    She knew who he was, what he looked like.

    She knew every memory chained in his heart.

    She was going to change them. She had no choice.

    Riku, Kairi…

    His best friends.

    She knew he loved Kairi.

    With a Passion.


    Namine loved him somehow as well.

    She cared for him so, so much.

    She loved him.

    So, little by little, she replaced Kairi.

    Sora loved HER now.

    She should have been glad.

    She should have loved it.

    Anything she said, he would do.

    In the room of Destiny Islands, before she would tell him, she wanted one thing.

    “I missed you,†she said.

    “I searched everywhere for you!†he said, happy to see her. He hugged her.

    Namine cried a little bit, not enough that he would see.

    “Kiss me,†she whispered in his ear.

    He did.

    His lips were warm and passionate.

    The kiss was long, and beautiful.

    Her hands wrapped around his neck, and he held her close.

    “I’m so sorry,†she said, letting go of him.

    “I’m not who you wat to be with. Its her,†she said, running away.

    Nobodies cannot become somebodies.
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Dec 5, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. kairiheartprincess
  17. kairiheartprincess
  18. kairiheartprincess
  19. kairiheartprincess
  20. kairiheartprincess