i'm not a fast thinker 2 wait... i don't think anyway!
ok ok sup i go to school i don't know why it's got cool when i'm sleeping all the time i can't wait to get home so i can owned noobs on xbox...
i forgot to say that at the end
yo my name is ali i eat macaroni i play kingdom hearts all day i know what kids say no it's not gay hey what do u know u just got owned!...
no we just send our rap to each other u send one and then i send one then u send one and so one like a real rap battle
wanna play an online rap battle with me
can u remix songs and they are good ones
i'm good at this kind of thing send me the page and pieces
so u like rap and....
i know i love it and almost have all the Achievements in gears2 how come u don't have it
oh and wwe 2009 and wwe 2010
kool i have spider-man friend or foe gears of war 1+2 bad company battlefield lego batman :P lego starwars the complete saga burnout...
so what games do u have
ok i sended u the friend request
hey did u add me
no i mean will the car or plane look the same or differnt
heartless are better they look cooler in game wise i like nobodys cause they are harder to beat
i read the tread and it says ven aqua and terra can turn their keyblades into car and planes and stuff but in kingdom heart games you can change your keyblade to another look (other then Com) so if you change your keyblade in birth by sleep will it change how the thing looks or its form
dude why don't you talk to me anymore