I bought the Trident Layers gum and left it on my desk. After a good half hour my room is now smelling like the gum and it's so delicious.
it's just metallic blue and has a mario clock, calculator, and 3 mario games preinstalled
camera and shit to take pics of mah Spoiler elbow
It's alright, I beat it in like 3 hours then playing online for a another hour then deleted it. If you liked Renegade Squadron you're going to love this one since it's much better.
I feel like buying one but can't decide. regular black or the blue mario bundle?
She kept wanting any pictures of me. Especially the shirtless ones. I'm not complaining I just wanted to put that out there :3
You mean ALT+TAB or Windows Logo button+TAB?
The fact that you're considering Penelo for the badass list automatically nullifies the entire list.
lol @ buying n64 games
Best game I've played in the last 10 years huh? Well screw you guys I'm picking a series. For me it's either the MGS or GoW series since they're the only games I've played so much and still bothered to keep. You're such a funny guy.
oh boy that's today :D
lol wii graphics
40 is the new 20?
I don't know why you wrote so much for Guitar Hero 5. You could have just said "Same shit as the last one except with better graphics."
Go back to MonsterVine DA.
Hacking= changing something to a game that wasn't there before or is there but messing with the coding. Examples include hacked pokemon games like Pokemon Black Version, Team Fortress 2 by changing skins like the Halo to make it instead vulgar words, or most popular on this site are the KH hacks where you messed with the coding to change certain things like your party characters. Glitches= An error. Was never meant to happen at all and is a total surprise. An example would be missingno or popular today is playing a game and glitching through the level to get underneath a map. That's a programming error and wasn't supposed to happen.
Of course. There are no cheats to get missingno on the original games because you didn't need cheats to get it.
Come back here when you've taken a programming class. It's a program error, not something the devs thought would be cool to add in. Why do you think it's level, stats, moves, and look are always different? She's calling you her bitch.
You won't find missingno because it's a glitch. It was never supposed to be in the game in the first place.
Generation 1 JP February 27, 1996 (original Red and Green versions) October 15, 1996 (Blue version) NA September 30, 1998 Trading Card Game JPN December 18, 1998 NA April 10, 2000 Sure does sound like you know what you're talking about unless you knew somebody who worked in Nintendo and got it months before everybody. Which would still be doubtful.