5: *runs away because cant handle the fighting* 8: *trys to pin down 2*
yay! glad you can come
not much you?
*kisses and leans against you*
good, great thnx
hiya, you ok?
ok, i hope you can come...
hiya, can you make it to the sleepover then?
im missing you :cryinganime:
GRRRRRRR! *gets up and walks to the park and sunbathes on the grass*
5: *struggles from 7, and leaps over the edge into the abyss* 8: *leaps from nowhere on a vine and rescues 5*
5: *braces myself to jump*
BART! *pulls back up* Leave me alone! *carries on sunbatheing*
5: i cant take this anymore! *walks to edge of cliff*
lol. cool new avatar:)
hiya :lolface:
*hugs tight*
hiya, not much u?
*puts down book and sunbathes on front garden*