Cool. :3
trying to figure out whats wrong with my code. >.< you?
Lol i didnt see your post on here at first. Lol sorry. Dx Not much, bored. Got a killer headache. You's?
Hey. Whats up?
your welcome. :P
"What are you talking abo--..oh heh heh...haha well i wasnt thinking about that.." He paused. "Look, maybe if he believe's that we are married, maybe he will let us leave this world, and then leave here."
Yeah. ^_^ good job.
Okay. Thanks man! :D So whats up?
ha. wow, alredy got 10 friends ^_^ it took me like a couple days to get 10 friends.
lol XD
hey slip, geuss what im trying to make[code wise]? :D
Hehe. Thanks. I like to write on other people's things. And sorry for not asking you i forgot..=\
wbu= ?
oh. oh yeah, look on your group, "The Black Parade" i edited another picture of yours.[its kinda like the last one i did]
how bout youuuu???
Doing stuff for my friends site. "Kingdom Hearts Fighters" ^^
"Well..i have a plan. How about you say that you and me got married before in The World That Never Was. Then he will get off your case." He smiled.
:glomp: Hi
your welcome ^^
Lol. XD It is kinda badass...but SilverRiku is better, in my opinion