Blech. I don't blame you there. How come you take 15 minutes to reply? Homework? Trying to armwrestle Latoya Jackson again?
I just asked 'why' in the pm. Okay, that explains a lot. I wasn't sure what was going on, if I annoyed you, if you dropped pickles on your...
Hello? Is this thing on?
O_O Goodness gracious me.... I would participate, but I'd look like Shaggy from the original Scooby-Doo cartoon: Three long hairs growing on my chin.
Pfft, I'm like Deadpool: My insanity/delusion runs so deep, you'll need a rope. And that's not who I was talking about....your right, of course,...
Well done, soldiers. Well done.
Sounds like somebody else I know. :sly:
Hmm, I was wondering about that. No worries; I don't have class til 1 tomorrow, so I've got a bit of time. *raises skates in the air* FREEEDOM!...
Name: Darkcloud Character: James MacCloud Personality: Introverted, a little closed off. Quiet, a little serious, but also a little sarcastic, but since he's quiet most of the time, most people can't tell if he's joking or not. Not used to working with others, but not against trying new things. He doesn't have a personal desire, but he will work hard to help others fullfill theirs. Weapon: Claymore, with odd runes etched onto the blade and hilt. The runes glow and change color with Mac's mood.
*shields face, runs* NO AUTOGRAPHS, PLEASE!
; ; Can I has some?
*high fives* One of my fave things to do was to get break one of those super speed boxes, crank Sonic to go so fast he went off screen, then died. That was an epic first for video games!
[pfft, yeah, right. How many of you fell for that?]
Godspeed, soldier. *salutes your fine efforts*
No, I've got the reply mark on the last pm I sent you, and we haven't skipped any on the vms. I'll forward the pm again, but I did reply.
Yeah, I think you'd be better off going with KH2: FM.
What do you mean? I answered your last pm and vm.
KH2, I think; it's got a lot more extras than KH1, and besides, the only extra thing in that is the bonus movie; the American version pretty much...
Saw this and it was just 'lol, facepalm'