ehhhh i just don't really feel like it i guess xD
haha I'm you moogle xD :D YAY! :glomps: I'm glad to hear that :) well this is going to be my first halloween w/o plans to do anything.... i think I'm just going to play kh re com and pass out candy
do you want to talk about it hun? D: *huggles* :glomp:
*huggles roxas* OH SWEETIE LIFE WILL GET BETTER!! *hands cookies*
O_O That is all I have to say Arch
Boo! << >> <<
YUSHE! *glomps* its okay xD how are you?
you're both weird AND gone lolz xD but we love you ! <3
i'm stuck in days DX
But I'm just letting sadden know :P
You're a weird person sadden :P
widget o_O
i kinda want to read this fanfic now xD
this is why fanficition can't be taken seriously then when you do find a serious fanfic you just can't help but to laugh at it
pretty good thank you :D and I miss you!!! DX awwww D: at least you're back :D things are goin pretty good
i'm on my new computer and it has like the biggest screan evar! I <3 it
<.< >.> <.< Random pic :D Spoiler Sumi / Roxas edited it for me :3 I just don't want to post the unedited pic cause I feel this one makes me look a lot prettier :D
When I was little I went on a stupid disney cruise - and they had a demo for a new game they were making and so I took a shot at it (even though like the only video games i had played had been like mario and spyro at my neighbors house) the demo was just running around with goofy and donald and I thought nothing of it - then years later I was in middle school and my friends had just got a ps2 and she had gotten kh2 and she was describing it saying you go to all these worlds with disney chars and donald and goofy follow you around and I was like 'HOLY! That sounds familiar!' Then I went to her house and was like 'nonono this isn't it.....' then she got kh1 and i was like 'HOLY! I've played this!!!!!' then I got a ps2 and kh1 for my b-day :) And i've been hooked ever since!
my dad was able to rewire my ipod headphones when they stopped working - i'm too afraid to use them though haha xD my dad uses them though - you can get a new pair for like $10
I'd be a shadow heartless cause they're cute and weak xP