hmm well dnt knw havent checked yet since my PS2 needs service so yea ;)
No Prob anytime :)
hmm what will work for PS2.......??
lol well i think no i know on process and i think ill give you the link for it here:
oh well np and thnx :) btw you started makin the game or is it still on pending....?? :P
oh well below there will be a button ""Ok" click that,thats all ^^"
ohh im first kk here: Render: Size for the signatures: 400x150 Text: Aurangzeb56 Font: Kingdom Hearts Stock: Forest Border: No
oh thats sad ..... :(
well i cant convert the code as long as you tell me who to replaces with what meaning save point replaces with Sephiroth,Cloud etc.
lil experiment of mine:
oh yea sry about that well hmmmmm take a screenshot of it and post it here ill see whats the prob.......
lol yup same here :P
Max Codelist Manager
yup ^^" or you can egt the japanese version since the controls r swapped in that XD :P
hmm well dont remember ^^" i think you have to press start or somethin like that..........
probably on the first page ^^"
oh hmm yup i have that font but i needed the one you had you knw that long G ending and stuff :)
lol well i like creating new nicks XD lol and that's sad you wasting your time past month and yup lifes good with me and also bad good cause i got...
Aww man i liked the old outfit better but what could u do when square has already changed the outfit.... :( so i guess well jus have to stick with this outfit of her :'(
lol thats random :P