They might in the way future for PS3, but I doubt PS2 because well, bbs is the last of the new three to come out, right? So that will come out in two years at the least, then it'd probably be a waaayyy while before the remake of it would come out, and how much you wanna bet there will be a PS4 by then. But on another note, look how nice that game is, like, graphic wise, it looks so much nicer then the other two which are on handheld consoles and it will probably sell much better on psp. But who knows?
omfg... something kh in the spamzone? KILL IT! KILL IT BEFORE IT GROWS! D: (i lol'd) yo dawg i herd yo like doorways so we put a doorway in yo doorway so you can walk into a room while you walk through a doorway.
hot stuff man.
I can't wait to see it.
ohshnap Pretty good, but extremely busy, I barely get time for the internets. You?
omfg are you srsly back?
Lettuce pray.
sad sad day
Where is all my cool peeps? cnc?
If you wish. But mine is better. And It's tomorrow. Excuse me, I'ma woman. Plus I haven't been on KHV forever.
makes me wanna shiz rainbows.
Wanna know why khv?
That is all.... ;D
Went to an anime convention a few weeks back (animefest if you wanted to know), and I cosplayed Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji and Axel. Here are some pics for yew gais. Axel (the shortest and hyperest one there): Spoiler Sebastian (...again the shortest and hyperest one there XD) Spoiler sooo yeahhhh
lol fiiinnneee Ill post them in the picture thread later and link you.
So, did you ever think of it as them trying to change topics?
uhhh Sebastian from kuroshitsuji and axel I has some pics up on my pofile in my sig, but I don't have any of my axel yet on there. But if you want, I shall pull it up from photobucket.
Whole reason I'm so busy. ahurhur.
tl;dr. BUT LOL.