Only if you own a copy of Twilight. Is it true that you are looking at me through the window, if so, what am I Doing?
To find the distance to the sun. Where do babies come from?
What's sticky and on my keyboard?
Uh, well, I don't hate you because I haven't met you and that doesn't mean I would hate you if I knew you, but alright. Bye. Hope life treats you well.
Thanks for the courtesy lol.
So...your sig was designed JUST to mentally disturb me? ...LOL
Is it me or is every thread on BBS info getting me hyped for this game even more? Thanks Mike!
*dies* I can't describe the epic-ness, I think this just passed Chuck Norris' awesomeness! Thanks for posting this!
Oh my...Your sig scares me...
Yeah, that's right. OWNT! :D
Nope, I says yours ownt mine. And what I say goes :).
Toy Story. That'd be freaking sweet.
Oh dear, I seem to have haters in my presence :O
Because 40 year old sex offenders rape us via least I hope they don't.
That's not what she said.
Alright, I'm going to have people who post from now on come up with a comeback for the person on the above post (don't make it too sick and mean, because that's not nice lol). Starting...Now.
Your avvy pwns. Mine sucks.
Oh my, we're in for a very long lecture my friend...
Hmm... Part of me wants to say Demyx, the other says Xigbar. First time I fought Demyx I had like what, 20 tries maybe? lol. I'd say Demyx on this one.
KH2 Ultima all the way. The KH1 version looked like s***. Also, it was more fun to get the materials needed for the KH2 version as well. The ability on the KH2 Ultima is ownage too. I made myself clear, KH1 Ultima sucks! :)