OOC- Woah...RP almost went XXX lol
Bam dropped, again.
Bam rubbed his head. "Uh alright."
OOC- Ohhhh i see. BIC-He sat up. "Um... Ow!!! What was that for! And can i go now?"
OOC- So im dead...um...i thought you cant kill anyone without permission.. BIC-Bam dropped down
Bam scratched his head. "I dont remember that....maybe i was high? But whatever." He hid his Uzi in his pants so no one could see them. "Laterrr dude. Iight...you lead Rhi.
"Yeah? Bam what?" Bam saw Rhixan. "Sup?"
"so uh....where she go?"
"Yo dude...im good for the munny..but what if you cant break me out and they take my weapons. Ill be screwed."
"What i gotta do?"
Bam stared at him and laughed."What i gotta do?"
Bam smirked and looked down. He took his sword and knocked beats gun out his hand and took out his mini uzi and aimed at him. "Who wants ta know?"
"Yo! Get off me!" He pushed her away. "What i gotta do to get in there? Go impress the leader or somethin?"
"Oh..well before, you mentioned a gang. I want in."
"Bam. Im the nobody of this kid Tidus. Are you now gonna hate me too, and think im a freak now?"
"Pfft." He laughed. "Like i know.? This sh*t happens to me all the time. I geuss i got a bounty on my head or something..."
ooc- lol xD bic-"Uh..not really..im just pissed off and i just needed to let my anger out." He looked down.
OOC- Lol. And when i said walked threw a portal.. i meant like he went threw and went next to you. lol
psh. >:c