it does i went on field trip recently and i saw classmates getting hypnotized right in front of me in a performance and i also got hypnotized a little it was awesome hypnotism is that state where you are not sleeping but not fully aweake either kinda like sleep walking supposedly we get hypnotized twice a day
very nice especially the guardian pic! also rami when you can edit all the episodes into the first posts as well so they are easier to find episode 3 screen shot Spoiler
of course thats what my post is all about
Amazin game!!!!!!! i loved it the boss fight was epic, secret boss classic, story line perfect very good job its really awesome! im dying for part 4 lol very well done! and thanks for putting me in the credits! thanks they are awesome!
YES!!! cant wait for it!!!
cool i hope that some make the khv front page video section
i love sephiroth's song its awesome i think that he has the best villain song
i like the third one i like how it has shattered crystals it would have looked nicer if the whole background was the shattered crystals and had riku in the middle blue is a nice color for it
cool thanks im looking foward to it yes please it would be awesome!
**** .
how is that hard? you place it there and thats it
oh .
i thought it was a scene from ur pevious sprite game vid
oh the little sprite things that looked like a game?
oh well dat sucks
god dam didnt know it was that hard
yeah i know i just didnt know about paint when i made it regardless very well nicely done
ok thanks well i said it was good it was a SUGGESTION
very nice. next to where you put "awesome codes" a play as cloud or leon preview would have fit in very nicely but good job and dude how am i...
lol hey i didnt know who you were either