Lol I'm swooning !! I'm not used to being brunette, probably because my hair turned brunette by itself.... I hate my hair!! Is that what you look like in real life?
There was a combo?
Your powers are weakening young dragon.
The second thing caught my attention too. But don't worry, they'll grow ^^
This ^ or with Nutella Nutella is a chocolate spread sold in Australia and it's the only thing made from nuts that I will eat.
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Now I don't think I've ever said this... but I like crumpets!
This topic is one of the reasons why I DON'T want to turn 18 and be legal. I'm sure that I'm so paranoid that I know when to stop, but I don't want anyone I'm close to to go through what you're friends went through. I'm a senior in high school and already four girls in my grade have gotten pregnant because of alcohol. So they are 17 year-old mothers.
Hello there Don't worry, we'll get you sick of KH soon.... You seem very ecstatic, that's good to see. See you around!
I'm actually thinking of moving out of home to a Uni dorm in my second year... so you must say what it's like to live that way... (Aussie's colleges are like high schools except they cost 50 times more)
Children are the spawn of our lo-*shot* I'm totally gonna rub it in peoples faces.... lol well there's one person I want too, but I can't be...
It's better to play CC first coz there's no surprises... like in stupid FF7 with all the flashbacks... I was watching by brother play it.
"Will they still be there then?", Alice asked as she continued to rest her tired legs, "I was with others when we came, I'm just hoping that they are okay". Well she was only really half concerned, she was more worried about the two of them, as she had no weapon. Maybe she can go back to that ally and find it, or locate Rho and borrow a one of his many weapons.
Alice smiled, but why was she holding out to her hand, was she meant to slap it or grab it. She started to wish she learnt social skills before she left the basement. She ended up grabbing it and replied, "My name is Alice".
sorry been playing guitar hero people keep challenging me.... grrr "No, I don't know need to be anywhere, I just think we're lost is all", she replied, having her light blocked by the girl when she walked in front of her. There we're spots in her veiw, she kept blinking, but they wouldn't go away. She kept her eyes closed for a moment, hoping that would woke, but it was only then did she realise she felt dizzy. She looked back up to the girl who had apparently realised something. "Yeah?", she replied.
"How long do we have to stay here?", she asked, being very impatient, falling over again, probably just answering her own question. She looked up at the sky, trying to find the big ball of light, but it had moved. She located it a bit lower in the sky, it still hurt her eyes, but she was curious as to why it moved, what was going to happen when it leaves?
@Shizzy... your very cute.... adorable actually.. @Kroshanks... nice costumes... but I still kick your posse's ass
"Yeah, it is...", she replied, sitting down, too tired to move. She didn't like lying, but it was the only way to keep her from hurting the professor and the other Omacrons. "..But it was too quiet there, no crime, no development, nothing, then I heard about this place, thought it would be fun to help fix this place". She tried to pull herself up again, "We need to get back to the main streets".
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! this is like the third birthday in two days.... lol Have fun at school.
I'M HAPPY i'm feeling fine I GOT SUNSHINE something something