Sure. *hands flask*
Good for you. *takes out a flask, starts drinking soda*
Heh. How's that coming?
Sure. Do what you gotta do, man!
Just about now, I'm willing to try anything. What's the code?
Oh, yeah! You'd rock as an Admin!
Ah. Alright. *stares into space, deep in thought*
Ah. Well, we're stumped.
You do? Wow. Now I feel a little bit better! I thought I was one of the only people who had an online crush.
Okay. Well, how do we hack the camera mods?
Ditto. You have fangirls xD.
Hmm... that puts me at ease. A little.
*freezes solid* Yeah... Sorry. I know she's your sister.
You have no idea who I'm talking about, do you?
:) *smile slowly fades* Man.... I'm sorry. But I can't take my mind off her.
Yes. Thanks again.
A bit better. Not much better, but it's a given.
Good luck.
So, um.... what else should we bring up?
This is different from the previous code, right?