Definitely. xD Yeah. We go pretty loco at work during breaks. You don't sit in the chair. You ride it like a shopping cart. Awh D: You should...
I have yet to meet someone who doesn't enjoy it ( : Uh...I wish I could say it broke while I was performing some death defying stunt. Really I...
I'm good ;D I made french toast a few minutes ago. And...........I broke my toe! How are things with you? Probably a lot better ^^
This isn't a new concept for me, but since it hasn't been discussed yet I thought I'd bring it up. Everyone knows of Yellowstone Park, right? Well the entire thing is one massive reservoir of magma. The volcano beneath it is so large that it couldn't even be seen. Only when satellite images were taken, could scientists see the scale of this caldera. It is a super volcano, the most destructive force on this planet. The problem is scientists have discovered that the ground in Yellowstone is 74cm higher than it was in 1923 - indicating a massive swelling underneath the park. The reservoir is filling with magma at an alarming rate. The volcano erupts with a near-clockwork cycle of every 600,000 years. The last eruption was more than 640,000 years ago, hence - we are overdue for annihilation. Why? The thousands of cubic kilometres of ash that would shoot into the atmosphere could block out light from the sun, making global temperatures plummet. Nuclear winter. Thoughts?
Juh Juh Juh Jayel. Hi :3
Why didn't I think of this? :=D: Okay so we're definitely having a mondo huge cake - thirty layers. & double chocolate chunk brownies. and ice...
I know it helps me. When I started playing my Essential Piano CD's as I did homework, I noticed that I retained the information better. Now it's daily. Whereas, I cannot do homework while listening to The Beatles. I get way too distracted. I'll start jamming rather than doing my work.
I think it could work. Of course, hypnosis is just a form of giving instructions and suggestions. I also believe that you don't have to be a willing subject to be hypnotized, because some hypnotists can supposedly tap into your subconscious mind.
I play a jazz piano, mostly for improv. I'm also a violinist and a cellist.
The pictures I've seen of this, from friends, look amazing. Sorry to anyone who was afflicted though.
How selfish can a person get? That person threw all consideration for the safety of his son out the window, if it was there in the first place. The situation could have been much worse. That ticks me off a bit.
Yes it is ;D & thanks. That they do. Exactly! Me without a bike is like, PB without J, Neku without headphones, lost my train of thought o_O Oh...
O: Weird. So what are you up to this evening?
your welcome Awh thanks. Same, but I'm hoping to have some fun with friends in Philly this weekend. Maybe do some skateboarding around love park. xD
Luckyyy. What I mean to say is, I only know of three other fans.
Dunno. Just never liked it. I never minded Gaby, till I met three :< Snap. I thought I was subtle. I'm about to p a s s o u t. Good lucckkk, and...
Hadn't thought of that o.o Umm. Well my first name is Gabriela and you know my middle... but I'm also a super saiyan *cough* in case that...
Alright then...I shall call you Jayel. =D That okay?
Thank you; Daniel is grand ;D Yw, and I don't mind at all. I encourage people to do so. I love a good chat.
Hey ^^ How are you?