Hey Marly! What's up?
:kiss:oh sure! see you later Riku! :D
haha True...hey do you live in the U.S.?
No! not at all! why would you say that? xD
#^_^#....cute? really? well guess i'll be falling on my face more now xD lol
:P yeah after what seemed like 300 years o.o what about me looking like an idiot? xD
Yeah...inside my head i was killing him but outside i just had to stare back at him to make him back away -.-' Dude. i try to run but i trip at...
Hello *eco* hellooooo!!!!.........anyone o.o
yeah a little bit. i get dizzy and lightheaded but that's all. Hey it wasn't funny! xD He had his chest and gut pressed up against me! >,<...
awww *talks baby talk* it's ok wittle won. xD
bad enough.. i couldn't eat anything without it upsetting me. I'm just glad it's almost over. I had to go to some Drama class...(sign language...
Aww man i know the feeling...i'm just getting off of the flu (NOT the swine flu mind you xD) well..i don't like to ask too many personal...
lmao!...THAT is exactly why he's scared. xDDDD
........oh right! like the orcs slappin' paint on each other's faces..xD
lol...i need to make some vids....but i have no skill whatsoever...i draw i don't do vids. Though i do comment ^^ lol wish my name was better than the one i have now....Starfire917 I mean people can't even remember it most of the time. xD
^_^ are you sick? or is something going on? o,0 If you don't want to talk about it that's fine ^_^
oh hahaha! :D aww..sorry man...
I'm good. thanks. How are you? What did you think of the Reno+Tifa drawing? xD
Dang!!! we need more members!!! and....i don't think that 300 would be such a good idea....at least not atm..
Me: *squeals and hugs a chocobo* Sephiroth: WTF? o,0