Guys, I'm really sorry that I'm so busy now. Being an actress has some drawbacks, huh? Just know that I'm thinking of you all while I'm up on stage practicing my tap solo. =)
I haven't seen any episodes for a couple weeks, and I probably won't see anymore until the musical is over. I'm just too busy now.
Nicholas smiled at Abby and shrugged. "Yeah, I've seen those two alright," He looked to Grace. "But if you're planning to use that hot bod of yours to flirt with that guy, don't bother. He's too tight wound for you. Why don't you try me instead?"
After another run at the waves, Nicholas came back to shore to call it a day. As he was leaving, shoes in one hand and dripping surfboard under the other arm, he spotted Sakura, Grace, and Abby. Finding Sakura particularly cute, he couldn't help but feel the urge to have a little fun with her. "Hey there, sweet stuff," He nodded towards her, heading her way. "What's a cute thing like you doin' with these two? Come to enjoy a show? Sorry, but I'm callin' quits for today. You can ask the other girls on the beach just how amazing I was. I'm sure they'll give you pleanty of details."
So we will :3 Anyway! I wanted to let you all know that I'm not going to be online much until the musical is over. I've got a lot on my plate and kh-vids isn't at the top of my priority list. I'll post when I can, and read even if I can't post. I'm a lead in the musical, an understudy for another lead, and part of the ensemble. Not to mention homework, household duties, and sleeping. Thanks for understanding, guys. :glomp:
OOC: Woah woah woah! Was I just called Angydoodle?? D:< *gets chainsaw* Who do I have to kill?!
I'm sorry, Hannah apologized. The rest came out in an almost incomprehensible spill. Beatrice has really caught my attention lately. And I don't like Michael following her. I know he means what's best, but he's about two centuries too old for her. And not only that, but didn't he mention that he already had a girl? I don't see why he's hanging around her so much if he's got a broad of his own. Beatrice is the youngest of us all -- in human years and vampire -- and I don't think she's got a clue what she's doing. I know I act like I don't care about her too much, but I really am concerned for her. If I'm getting stressed out, I can't imagine what she's feeling. OOC: What are you doing here, Jeffy-poo??
"What's your damage?" Mia complained to her older brother as he dragged her away. "He was just being nice." "He wasn't 'being nice,' Mia," Lucca sighed. "Human boys have only one thing on their mind." "What's that?" Mia asked. "If you don't know, then never mind," Lucca answered.
Okay, I got bored and thought it would be interesting to see what kind of sites have been created, so I went to Google. I started to think of Hell Girl (the anime) and wondered if there was a site that like that existed. This is what I found: I'm not sure if this is disturbing or interesting. [It makes you want to try it, doesn't it?] What are your thoughts on this kind of website? Not whether it works or not, but WHY it was made and WHY and HOW someone could use it. Looking through the entries, I see that some are just for fun. But others are serious. I'm not giving this website out for people to use. I'm just curious as to other people's thoughts on it.
Danny looked up and stopped his pacing. "How?"
Perhaps an awesometastic version of Raikiri or Chidori?
"Oooh, so you're my new master then!" Ben grinned. "Alrighty, Master, where are we off to? What trouble can we get in to? Oh, and do you have a stuffed animal?" "You're full of energy," Aduial commented under her breath. "Sorry, I don't have any stuffed animals." "Oh," Ben's smiled faded for a moment, but returned when Aidou and his mother came back into the room. "Hey there! I'm Benjamin; but you can call me Ben. What are your names?" Aidou's expression registered confusion and shock for only a fraction of a second before his emotionless mask was back on. His mother didn't give him the chance to ask Aduial where Ben came from. "How did you know of the Summon?" The grace and beauty that was Aidou's mother was replaced by anger. "I didn't," Aduial replied quickly. "I just-" "You don't need to explain yourself," Aidou's mother was calm again. "You summoned him, so he is yours. I cannot change that."
Oh, that's just wonderful; he made friends with them. This makes my job all the harder. Daine thought, listening at the door. "Alright, we know what we're going to do," Danny began, floating back and forth in a ghost form of pacing. "But if Daine really is one of Vlad's experiments, and she's just being used, than this won't be easy. Vlad didn't readily give up Dani; he lied to her until the end. We've got to be ready for the possibility that Daine will be there, and Vlad will use any dirty trick of his to keep her on his side. Don't try to force her to come with us -- that might just prove one of his lies. We've got to be careful about this. I don't know if Daine is unstable like Dani, but if she is, then we can't force her to use her powers." He continued to float back and forth, mumbling mostly to himself about what to do.
After watching Jinx and Van Helsing exchange witty banter, Beatrice decided that she needed to see Sorin. With a small word to Hannah of where she was going, she headed outside. It took her until she was down the stairs to realize that Michael was following her. "What do you want?" She asked, slightly irritated that he didn't ask to come with her. She kept walking. "I'm concerned for you," Michael answered, coming closer to Beatrice now. He easily matched her pace. "You're changing." "Nice observation," Beatrice muttered. "What do you care?" "You have no one to talk to," Michael added. "I have Lestat," Beatrice objected. "And you trust him?" The lycan questioned. "Are you suggesting that I shouldn't?" Beatrice retorted. "You don't know the first thing about him." "I know that he's made you into something you're not," Micheal replied quietly. Beatrice stopped outside the stables. "Keep out of my business. I don't need your approval to care about someone. Especially Lestat. Now, please, leave me alone." With a sigh, Michael let Beatrice go into the stables alone.
"Hey there," Nicholas greeted the brother and sister duo. "I noticed you watching me." Mia smiled shyly. Nicholas's cool tone and devilishly handsome smirk were too much to bear up close. "It's Mia, right?" Nicholas ran a hand through his wet hair. "I could teach you sometime." Lucca narrowed his eyes at Nicholas. Who did he think he was to address them so informally? "We're going to have to decline that invitation." He said, giving Mia a stern look when she started to protest. "We've got a full schedual." "That's too bad," Nicholas spoke to Mia. "I was looking forward to seeing you in a bikini." Mia's cheeks flushed. She'd heard Nicholas talk this way to other girls, but never to her. Lucca took Mia by her shoulder and steered her away from the two-legger. That boy had a way of infuriating Lucca. "See ya in school, sweet stuff!" Nicholas teased. He knew he was getting to Lucca, but he couldn't help it. She's too cute and ditzy to have an older brother like that. If it wasn't for him, she'd have ALL the guys over her.
Will these jutsu be epic?
"I don't even know your name," Danny pointed out.
"I can do it," Beatrice snapped. Van Helsing was starting to get on her nerves. "I can do more than that, Van Helsing. Now please, shut up." Hannah smirked. She liked Beatrice better when she was angry.
Danny looked at the ghost suspiciously. "What's your idea? Amity Park has enough ghost troubles; I don't want to add to it."
"The Op Centre," Danny answered after a brief moment of thought. "Everyone can get to it easily, and it's out of the way."