stfu .
Go to Go to the white hat hacking section, go go the Hijackthis log subforum. They'll tell you what to do.
Wow, aren't you a funny one. I wish i was as funny as you.
Because of you. Good job.
gtfo .
You're a -[******]-
Because we don't care about you.
Youve been here for 2 years not 3. 07-08 08-09
checkered background matches the DS thingy
So i heard you got fired from 2 websites.
*bites* <3
Stfu .
Qft .
Gray works.
Ehhh. Not really into this one.
I wasnt bashing the game. It IS overcharted, look it up. It's been proven.
Cyclic redundancy check almost always is caused from a damaged disc. Whatever it is youre trying to find, you could find it online, guaranteed, so try looking for it.
Yes .
What made you think i was in a bad mood? Im not complaining, i think its kinda funny lol