I wtf'ed too. I forgot to mention that there's been this old stalker lady who appears pretty reguarly outside our home. But my mom thinks she's mentally unstable, and that she has some connections with one of the neighbors.
Credit to Soraocusco (Truthkey) Can anybody edit this code to only give the glide MAX? Because the rest freezes the forms :(
Just now, my maid was attack by two guys on a motorcycle with a long BIG knife. Luckily, the my aunts maid was there, and was loud enough to attract atttention, so she escaped unscathed. Scary things. Do these sort of things happen in your neighborhood? Discuss.
Maybe Give them a break at first, then later maybe give them a second chance.
same. Also, a white lie will become really tangled that in the end, somebody finds out, and the mess is bigger to begin with.
............ Proably not. I would like my honeymoon. to be one which sounds cliche and beautiful.
lol, i think i've met you around somewhere before :) Anyways, your name makes me think of chlorophyll or chloroform lol. Have fun, post loads, read rules :)
i never really used it =.= But if i did, i would use the vexen one. Coming back to life seems good :)
Limit Form FTW. Zanzuktsken is the best attack in the game (knocking off more than 1 bar of life in 1 hit). And limits replenish health as well. And ragnarok is so powerful. Off Topic: BTW, you didn't give me a rep, because your rep is too low to give rep. So, when i look at my User CP, it shows a grey :/
It's called Limit Form, the reason is because it uses limits from the KH1 game. It is given after going back to twilight town, after failing (once again) to meet with kairi. It's supposed to (correct me if im wrong) meant to represent the memories between sora and kairi as well as his memories from KH1 (hence the limits) Here's a pic. Ability gained is Dodge Roll, which is pressing square, but a tap, as a long hold on square is quick run.
Roxas, but that would have been some kind of paradox about namine and kairi and sora. So.... I vote Demyx. In the little mermaid place lol.
it was useful even though the solo trinity effects were literally non-existant. just have to spam triangle all the time though :( And the trinity did 3x almost 1 bar of damage to most :)
What he said. And try to vent likee............................. blow off steam by punching a wall.
luckily i have :D One of my favorite is the where he says "I want you, to bring me the thong of Lisa Cuddy. Thong. Cuddy. Go" :lolface:
The End with Riku. so much potential, but the limit is kinda weird and the creators kinda made the last hit really lame, with sora and riku bumping fists to give almost 1 bar damage...
hahahah im 15, and i like KH lol.
oh i see lol. yeah, :)
Saw 5? That was pretty gruesome.
Which thread?
Changed :) And I can't give rep again to you, so... I'll give it to you sometime in the future. thanks :)