It happens in my city constantly. I wish my roommates would learn how to lock the doors. lol And really, this kind of thing is to be expected. If you have a mansion (example) with tons of stuff in it like citizen Kane, then yeah, you better expect a robbing or two. Especially if you're at a differential advantage in terms of money. It doesn't need to be a mansion, but if you "have more," is what I mean. Or it's a behavior out of coveting and psychological need, whether because you have less or not, for whatever reason.
Did you send him a nice, friendly, shut-down-computer program for shits n giggles? <:
I'm sorry, John Lennon. Your music is sub-par.
Multiply coefficients I think? Or add them. Add exponents for sure. 21x to the fourth should be correct. If not, it's a lot bigger due to 12 x 9. But it probably isn't that. lol
It's just ****ing fantastic. That's all their is to it. :/
Keep saying it and it'll happen. ;D
Technically, it should be on December 21st, since that theory is based around the summer solstice, me thinks. Funny how we think the world might end almost exactly on the day winter starts... and winter is the dead season. lol
A few years before the Lite is beside the point; the Lite is what I wanted to know to begin with. D:
Well I want to import the crap out of Soul Silver, that's why I ask. And I have a DS Lite anyway.
... right?
I'm a self-titled Baneslayer Demi-god. Get it right. lol
I concur. <:
Well sometimes middle class folks don't have time to do it. Between kids, full time jobs and hobbies, sometimes you can't afford to clean while your kids sit there doing nothing. :l While I lived with my dad when I was little, he had this really nice woman clean our house. And yes, she was Mexican. But her family would come over often and eat with us anyway since they were really nice. She was paid fairly well too if I can recall.
****ing delicious.
No generation 1 PSP has a warranty still in effect. >: I was going to see if GameStop would fix it, but I hear they suck ass at fixing anything.
My PSP is broken, KHV. Should I sell it?
No joke. Those were some tricked out rims. I got me a blue raspberry screwball.
The idea is charming, but the movie likely sucks. >:
I dislike the whole lying to gain respect. For some it works, and they're very good at it. And sometimes they have to do it to maintain their personal integrity. Other times they just like it. It depends on why the user does it. Either way, it really isn't necessary to lie for respect. It just takes some decency and honesty. Isn't that like saying you have less sympathy for the killed than the killer?