It would make this escalate you know that, right?
Can you be my brother, it would be totally awesome :lolface: Mommy is usally out with men, so I have the house to myself
Descending Love (Part 5) Silly Dalk, You know that love cant thrive on blood Flowers smell much more sweeter, If they thrive on Malice So lets have some fun I seem to have lost my way Down the windy roads of yesterday Up the stairs of the past. So what path shall we take now, or later or even Betwixt or Between. For I have blinded myself to this world.
But Mommy....Thats the time you took me to a park and left me there alone with a nice man with a shiny white van and a king sized Crunch bar.
Descending Love (Part 3) Blood may gather Collect as a scab But you keep pick, pick, pick and the scab bursts with the recycled love running down your face Clean it up, you look dirty with those rusty color tears
But those sounds are loud mommy.. That man who is in your roomy is scary!
Descending Love- Bump, Bump, Bamp goes the beat of my heart I dont know why I did this from the start Hold you, love you, steal your soul Gripping tigheter on your strings till they cut off your love supply so I can feel all much better in the messy bloodslide :/
But im a meaine face >:
Acutally, that really the ONLY VAILD reason to use it.
I think you should put this in help with life... You will be laughed at here..honestly
I havent also... Oh god Im going to regret this....first movie I can remember crying to was a movie they air on BET called Holiday Heart when the mother dies tryin to get her daughter the bike for christmas V_V
THEY RELEASED THE ENGLISH VERISON?! *cough* I mean...they released it? I see Fayt, I understand its hard to find certian stocks that are HQ DX There bugs because they are, just like Super Sentai use animals.
No, just no... First of all, Brothers playfight with brothers is okay..sometimes but it can escalate into an acual fight and not make things better at all. Violence is never the anwser to resort to wen trying to solve a problem, EVER. Second, his sister is FEMALE, A GIRL. Why would a BOY hit a GIRl, let alone his own KIN. She can get seriously hurt if its even playfighting, let alone an acutal fight. Fighting with fist in the family never solves disputes ever, it creates more. Talk to her one on one, and try to talking to her with your mother present if she can or even on the phone with your dad.
These came out really great, Fayt. But the only one that bothers me is the 5th one on the first row. It looks a bit grainy to me... Other then that super great job.
The world might end because of you revealing yourself to the world.
Nah, were not being ignorant.. Were just amazed on how you can make beats one day, and be a Parkourist the other.
No, not really.
Hunting is in you blood boy, now hunt those damn seals, eh?
Lol Canadian Rapper...?
Oh yay, I figured this since you like parkour