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  1. Mako Tsunami
    Profile Post

    Orly? :3

    Orly? :3
    Profile Post by Mako Tsunami for NarutoSuperKubii, Sep 5, 2009
  2. Mako Tsunami
    Profile Post

    True that. ^^

    True that. ^^
    Profile Post by Mako Tsunami for NarutoSuperKubii, Sep 5, 2009
  3. Mako Tsunami
  4. Mako Tsunami
  5. Mako Tsunami
  6. Mako Tsunami
  7. Mako Tsunami
  8. Mako Tsunami
  9. Mako Tsunami
  10. Mako Tsunami
  11. Mako Tsunami
    Hnnn... who to pick? :/gasp:

    Well, from what I hear reading through this thread, Carey seems to have a lot of skill.

    I vote Carey.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Aug 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mako Tsunami
    Austin. :3
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Aug 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mako Tsunami
  14. Mako Tsunami
  15. Mako Tsunami
    Last time time I tried getting Sora's forms Organization weapons, they froze the game. Every last one of them available for NTSC at the time. Even when I had Kingdom Key equipped and Mulan's moveset. =/

    I personally still doubt it's possible to get other forms to wield Org. weapons, except for maybe Xaldin's lances. But Xaldin's lances never worked for me in the first place for Sora, so I'm not sure.
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Aug 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Mako Tsunami
  17. Mako Tsunami
    IIIIIIIIIIIII neeeeeeeeeeed a dueeeeeeeeel.


    Need to kill my rustiness. That duel with Mimiru made me think back and get more familiar with the rules, so yeah....

    Anyone? ::L:
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Aug 13, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  18. Mako Tsunami
    I object!

    What about the emos? D<
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Aug 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mako Tsunami
    Wouldn't that mean you're just f*cking the inanimate object...?
    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Aug 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mako Tsunami
    All this rainbowness is starting to make my headache worse...

    and more hungry, somehow.

    Post by: Mako Tsunami, Aug 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone