Orly? :3
True that. ^^
Nice. 8D Skills getting better and better, then? Have you taken back your former position as top duelist in the thread yet? :3
Well crap. ._. Kinda figured for the boss allies, I guess. I wonder... do you think it's possible to successfully romhack KH1FM Xemnas to...
Sorry, but I haven't been in the mood for online dueling for a while, considering my lack of internet connection. x-x; And my rustiness is...
Hnnnn... Ah! You could see if it's possible to reverse-wield keyblades? I always wanted to know if it can work for KH1. ::L: ...Or make some...
FFFFFFF- Lucky b*stard. D:
Yes. Yes it does. ._. But atleast I got that fly code to keep me company! 8D ...And those videos I still need to make. >>;
Yes. Yes they do. T.T So how's the dueling arena been? ^^
Yo Sora. You seem to be doing well. ^^ We had to move, so our interwebz was cut off. Might take a while to get it again, so I'll be using this...
Hnnn... who to pick? :/gasp: Well, from what I hear reading through this thread, Carey seems to have a lot of skill. I vote Carey.
Austin. :3
Sorry, was distracted. x-x; Y'mean the comeback from Aqua's super special awesome first turn move, right? Then yeah, pretty epic, Jaden. 8D...
No, no I didn't see it. o.o -Click-
Last time time I tried getting Sora's forms Organization weapons, they froze the game. Every last one of them available for NTSC at the time. Even when I had Kingdom Key equipped and Mulan's moveset. =/ I personally still doubt it's possible to get other forms to wield Org. weapons, except for maybe Xaldin's lances. But Xaldin's lances never worked for me in the first place for Sora, so I'm not sure.
I logged out...? o.O Well something sort of came up, I'm trying to record something right now involving a friend's code. I might be able to in a...
IIIIIIIIIIIII neeeeeeeeeeed a dueeeeeeeeel. :/8D: Need to kill my rustiness. That duel with Mimiru made me think back and get more familiar with the rules, so yeah.... Anyone? ::L:
I object! What about the emos? D<
Wouldn't that mean you're just f*cking the inanimate object...?
All this rainbowness is starting to make my headache worse... and more hungry, somehow. @w@