thats awesome is it possible to do it on regular kh2 as well?
hey are you sure that admins are not deleting my account? this is the 3rd time i've made it
i did ill log on hold up hell no hes a hoe
impressive great job! was Ven even in kh2 fm?
Anti Form was the best but they were all awesome
ugh now they'll remove the spiderman ride from universal studios and rename the hulk and a few others that blows but marvel in kh sounds good at least 1 or 2 worlds for the next game would be awesome
nah i signed up recently wats da promo u made?
wow it looks so good and realistic the shading is perfect, exelent detail, and its simply amazin
i made a scene because you did it many times not just once
so are heartless the enemies in BBS?
dats one funny ass siggy
well it doesn blend with the background much but its a dope combination though still i wish that i could make smother cut outs wat i was hopin for is actually ideas on how to work it out (fotoflex) better or better programs for that suff besides photoshop
i dont think its commin but it would be awesome but if it focused on action rather than comedy like the manga
well i cut out one of my pics and put it on another one using fotoflex and wanted to get your opinions on it well my right arm was meant come out messed up cuz there was someone in the way in da pic were i cut it from so ignore that part Spoiler the outter line is less noticeable here Spoiler
every one has at least one fear that just the way it is no one is 100% fearless
oh i didnt know about them mega elixers well then my bad a full inventory of those wil surely win the battle
dam! thats a long time well see they always come back anyways welcome back
well they fully heal your hp and mp very useful if you ask me plus i he doesnt get past riku then theres no point in having them since he cant beat the game
its actually lea its not from the formula it was said in either CoM or kh2 Fm+ its Lea
well it actually smells good to me i like the smoke smell but anyways i wouldnt mind but if you do then um i dont know tell him to stop and do it outside