Avatar Stock: Spoiler Do whatever you feel is best for it. :3
Ah, DP, that is just amazing. I love it. <3 I love how you did the shading, and I especially love how you did the reflection on the water; just brilliant. I kind of agree with Nanaki on the color of the chairs. Maybe just a shade darker? Besides that, it's absolutely wonderful. (I love the color of her dress.) Once again, great job.
I was going to say "Reliving the past?" but you removed the sig. xD We were one crazy group, hah hah. So, since we haven't talked in a while, I...
I know .
You should do it, just to see their reactions. xD
It's worth it. xDD That's something that I would totally do. lol
Yes, indeed. 8D Multislacking is a great hobby. Though, it's side effects could be a decrease in grades... Oh well. You'll figure something out. :3
Good plan. xD Awesome. 8D I might request something in the near future.
Awesome. 8D
All the songs are amazing. Let's just leave it at that. xD
I love all the songs. I also like It's Not Me It's You. xD
Hah hah. xD
Yeah, I noticed that too. And the music sounds very similar; you know, with the violin.
The lyrics fit my life so well. But I have to agree with you on the music and vocals. That's another reason why I love it so much. That it is.
My theme song would probably be Awake and Alive. Or "Don't Wake Me", because it fits so well. xD
I got it the day before it came out. xD Oh, the wonders of pre-ordering. :3
Sure, why not? xD I'm all right.
I'm always listening to my iPod because my grandparents always have News Radio on. xD
Well, I rarley listen to the radio.