love you too ;_;
I swear to god, everytime someone posts a thread about something and another one posts another one it ends up as fad with multiple mutations.
Happens to everyone. My fingers keep hurting when I play my friend's bass.
What the hell is onion Knight doing on Low tier? Also cecil needs to be High Tier
Rather not.
sup cam?
Seems pretty cool since i haven't played neither. Only problem is the age rating. :v
Have you really never heard it before? D:
lolwut ?
I never had the second version as mp3.
Yeah it's the original.
and here it is It's still great.
Don't make a threads about these things. Although I agree it was unfair.
Sounds pretty beast if you ask me.
old troll :/
It got old years ago.
Reemember when people were telling Laurence that there was an actor with the same name?
I only remember yours DP. xD
I remember when there were Rosey ads all over khv.
Best troll I've seen on this site for some time.