Haha, thats awesome :)
When i saw that happening i was freaking out. not kidding
Yes.... stupid axel! >_<
Ya he's pretty funny.... my favorite is zexion though :)
Hey time!!!! it's been awhile sinced we chatt. How are you??? :)
oh i <3 fruits basket..... and i can see you like Demyx :)
haha nice :)
Ya that movie was pretty good and sad
Yay!!!! well i'm listening to "over my head" - the fray
.... her hair style... it sucks
Yay!!!! ...... michael jackson right???
Haha don't worry, being an honor student is no difference then being a regular student, you just have a lot of work anyway whatcha doin?? :)
ya i know, it's not hard or anything. you just have a lot of homework :)
No, i started two weeks ago.... but i have a lot of honor classes though :(
... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party-smiley-015::party-smiley-013:
I'm good... have a lot of homework, but good. How about you??? :)
how's it going??? :)
so how's it like living in japan??? :)
the Excorsist.... that is one messed up movie....
i don't know.... i think ponyo looks kinda lame...