Year 500 was a leap year starting on Saturday of the Julian calendar. I hope you've caught on by now
gameshark is, regrettably, disappointing. I couldn't enter more than one line of code, which is obviously not the coders fault. maybe I just didn't understand how to use it, but the one-line codes were great. :) welcome to the forum
I de-repped before you explained. you said "Name some bands famed for their piano." and I thought you were acting like the multitudes of musicians that are famous for piano don't exist. sorry
yes, the SpamZone will eat you alive. always carry a crowbar and a bulletproof vest. be careful or you may get *brikd* or *shot*. even if you're careful, you still will be *brikd* and *shot* oh, and welcome to irrelevance (aka KHV)
I think I just lost hope in humanity
I need some guitar controllers anyway, and this has too many good songs to miss, and my parents are big beatles fans (and so am I), so I'm hoping I'll get this. I'm looking forward especially to "I Am the Walrus", "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" but where the hell is "Let it Be"? it's an amazing song with a great guitar solo.
they shouldn't be compassionate. he wasn't when he blew up that plane
Coldplay, Elton John, Keane, Evanescence, countless movie soundtracks (although they don't count as bands), piano adaptations of songs on youtube get millions of views, I could go on and on, and most bands have pianos somewhere in their songs. the game could also be keyboards, which, if you listen to most any song from the '80's or '70s is there, bands like Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and Yes are famous for their synths, and alternative bands today use a lot of synth.
I'm in toronto, advertising coke. that coke was good, though because I'd had nothing to drink all day Spoiler oh, and here are my cats Spoiler ringo Spoiler gracie
I wonder why there aren't any. I mean, there's one for PC, but it's not very publicized. and pianos and synthesizers are a big part of a band, as much as a guitar. the hard part to tackle would be a piano controller, with all those buttons, but there are so many buttons on regular controllers, and consoles these days can handle at least 4 of those
I don't have rock band. maybe I'll The Beatles Rock Band with the controllers for ps3. (and then buy Rock Band and RB2 just the discs) because I have the 1st 3 guitar heroes on PS2 and I want to download songs it's good to see elton john's on there.
what name is Renegade going by these days?
Don't watch Disney anymore. it's not what it used to be. (anyone remember "Recess"?) and nick is getting there. sitcoms are taking over, like the vomit-inducing-fred-cameoing iCarly, and Drake and josh, and whatever b.s. they're churning out next. the minute they cancel spongebob, that's the end of respectable kids TV
Bionicle: Matoran Adventures Bionicle (2003) for PS2 the other bionicle games are rubbish
but would he win against the man in room V?
Guitar Hero on Tour. Seriously, they had Maroon 5 for an encore. most of the songs nobody's ever heard of, and it gives you hand cramps. oh, and the audio quality sucks it was only the first one that was rubbish. Decades was okay. and Modern Hits has Coldplay so it should be good, but I don't have it yet
wait for it...