33463 I has a cappuccino =D
I memorized this aswell as Leekspin years ago when it was actually popular.
*throws msn*
I hate KH-Vids...
This is a reply.
Noob powers activate! *goes offline for a few months*
I think I'm gonna need a translator when I go to see Moon... -_-
I am doing well, mainly because of my success of being such a great noob :3
Hey there :D
Thanks :3 33436
1 lol'd
That's cheating, but asking me is easier and you'll get an instant answer :3 Fine :3 Yes it has, and yes it is :3
That show that Kiefer Sutherland is in.
WOO! I won best noob! 8D 33433
Ever get the feeling that there's an evil twin of yourself that teaches people this stuff? XD I love it :3
Damn, now I definitely wanna be prem! D= 8D Hey thar TcO
^ Agreed with the agree
Do you realize the ending that some people might think of? XD
Amby. You has been sig-quoted XD
Avvy: 1/10 for at least having a 6 x 2 white square XD Sig: 8/10