xD Nice way to put it. Ugh. i forget how old is everyone? I'm 14.
I know you do want to prove it xD
=O So it is true. You are a He-She xD
Your very welcome. Would you like a Mango?
...I think he was talking to the guy saying "Hmmmm...." Or else, you had a sex change =O
Ohk .
Then, that means....you're a ****? =O Jk....
=O My poor Testicles... :(
Yeap. I was just jokin around Luxord: Ven's a ******. >:U Ven: ::L: Did yuh have any name changes b4 you were Prem, and before that?
Hmmmm .
XD and I can't believe your on mi friends List =O Wait...did yuh have any name changes?? Im Sad :(
Grammer doesn't matterz herez!! ::L: And from now on youz shallz respect me as King Ven~~~~~~ ::L:
You callz me Doo-Doo Head??? Youz shallz pay ::L: ITS OVER 9000!!!!!! ::L:
This is my area/zone, and from now on, you will call me King Ven~ ::L:
Ohhh that sounds DELICIOUS. I tried Pepsi with Honey nut cheerios once. It actually wasn't that bad. Atleast there was caffiene, sugar and a hint of honey xD
Whoop. Gonna go shopping now. Cyaz ~Ven
Moo .
Omg, your back! Remember me? Ven~